His name is Cale Hartmann. He deleted his social media accounts, but you can see him on Funny or Die.
His name is Cale Hartmann. He deleted his social media accounts, but you can see him on Funny or Die.
*incoherent rage noise*
You basically have nailed what the law says in South Africa. You have an obligation to confirm that a person is a potential danger to you before you shoot them. AND....you can’t even buy a gun in South Africa without first taking a test where you prove that you understand your obligation under the law. So, yes, he…
I will always love a small child calling a bigot pendejo because I still feel joy in my life I’m sorry you do not
An easy mistake to make. I accept it is no longer of this world.
I thought it was one of those pig ear rawhide chews. Ever see what a lab does to that?
Prolly shouldn’t let him have it. You don’t know where it’s been.
Oh THATs what just landed on the lawn. Dogs got it.
My vagina just shrivelled up, fell off and blew away like a tumbleweed.
We convict hardly any rapists, ever, so yeah. He probably KNOWS actual rapists who got away with it, which strikes me as why guys rant about rape. If so many of your buddies are rapists, and YOU'RE the one who gets caught...
I’m not condoning. I’m saying I understand why people could get violently angry.
You know what gets on my last goddamned nerve about snarky stories like the above? Weiner, while an alleged adulterer, was really the unfortunate catapult for Sydney Leathers’s notoriety - she used society’s opprobrium, his prominence and his mistaken trust in HER discretion to launch a porn career and radio tour. How…
Hey, it’s all in the bible bro. God said to the Jews “Go inna holy land, assault the native people that live there, kill the men, women, elderly, male children, lifestock, but keep the female children for yourself because dayum dat virgin puss-ay”. That’s the kind of God they worship.
Shame, though. It’s got dogs, cars, suspenseful bits about hats... everything really.
I was lactose intolerant for about 15 years and because it caused serious symptoms only when I was almost an adult, my taste in foods was pretty much set. I missed milk every single day for all those years.
(Commercial) milk replacements are usually enriched. Almond Breeze for example has calcium and vitamins A, D2, and E added to it. Some of those vitamins can be gotten from other dietary sources, but D in particular is very difficult to get from your diet other than from enriched products.
Go run in front of a bus right now. Like, right now.