
Shut the fuck up, George... Just shut the fuck up.

Someone who’s gone under the knife as much as she has to alter and perfect her appearance doesn’t have a right to comment on the appearances of others. She doesn’t look at all the way she’s ‘supposed’ to. Rob at the very least is genuine, if maybe needing a workout routine.


Jared Fogle.

Fellating George Zimmerman to make him feel better about his latest breakup that he caused by beating up yet another girlfriend and threatening to kill her.

That’s where it fails. We have to trust your husband is a decent person who will do his job regardless of who he’s going against and why.

McGinty just used the grand jury to effectively say “Fuck you, I don’t gotta do nothin’!” and to get the protesters off his back.

Grand juries are a joke. They’re completely dependent upon ONE PERSON deciding whether or not to give a fuck about a case, which this prosecutor clearly did not. He only organized one to even occur to “get protesters off his back” about this, and pretty much railroaded a dead child into taking blame for his own

I hereby issue a decree about who in DAESH can promptly go fuck themselves up the ass with a barrel cactus. Preferably the ones with the splintery and curved thorns that adopt similar qualities to that of porcupine quills when exposed to the moisture associated with being embedded into soft tissues...



Dog is forbidden from ever entering Mexico again. Bounty hunting is illegal there and he almost got a 10 year sentence in their prisons for getting the Max Factor heir. The US had to negotiate his release, and part of that negotiation resulted in him being banned from any Mexican territories for the rest of his life.

I’d prefer the entire family tree being uprooted, burned, and the ground salted to make sure none of it ever returns.

He tried to disguise himself as Shkreli and wasn’t smart enough to check the news to know that his fellow douche-in-arms was arrested and currently under a federal order to stay put.

Evasion is a felony last I checked.

Vehicular manslaughter, negligent homicide, vehicular manslaughter due to gross neglect (Not sure I got the wording right, but essentially it was used against someone who knowingly drank knowing that they would ultimately drive later and showed a callous disregard for the safety and wellbeing of others by essentially

This entire family tree just needs to be burned down to the roots... and then the ground salted to make sure it never regenerates.


....oh wow. I thought she was just pretentious enough to name her kid after a Greek god because of how special she thinks he is, but... NOPE. She named him after a handbag brand.

Hell no. She has the mentalily of a spoiled toddler.