
Awww.... Trumpy dumpty is mad because no one actually cares that he has a penis.

Much respect. Many awesomes. Borat. Wow.

You know what? Ok... I will concede that once upon a time in history, before the advent of things like pads and tampons or even soap and a basic sense of “maybe I should wash myself more than once a year”, female menstruation WAS a concern for health and a possible contributor to contamination and disease.

She wasn’t interfering with anyone. It was the bus driver who got up and demanded she move and then refused to go anywhere until she had been forced off and taken to jail.

My guess is Kanye chose the outfits, and the guy likes the color black. Like... super likes it. A lot.

Most of the stores locked up and closed their gates when the protesters started arriving, and Christmas events were canceled. It effectively shut the mall down completely, because the stores last year had to deal with shoppers being effectively shoved into and trapped into stores by BLM protesters, and they were

As much as I sympathize with BLM, they’re acting in ways that are counteractive to helping their cause. Yes, people should be aware of what happened to Jamar and the racial issues that exist in this state and in the cities. Yes, protesting is a valid form of relaying that message and showing how much it has affected

Vampire or Scientology zombie.

This whole “bear rape” thing is fucking gross. Leo said that wasn’t what happened in the damn movie. All that grunting and thrusting was solely the bear chewing and ripping the hell out of his character, who to the bear is prey. Prey found in winter, invading its territory, and probably what woke it up from

Sucks she got harassed. Hope it gets resolved quickly and safely.

I have to admit that I don’t think I could stand to watch any Bill Murray movies knowing what I know about him now, and it’s a shame because there were quite a few good ones. He’s not the only actor that I’ve been turned off to, though, having found out what a shit they are in real life.

So not only is he a parrot who blurts out words he doesn’t know the meaning of, he’s also a child that doesn’t understand that girls have basic bodily functions the same way that boys do.

Bill Murray’s pretty darn abusive himself, you know.

Is this a jab at his ability to overinflate and brag about himself, because otherwise I don’t get it.

Punching down is fun! There’s almost no consequences! LOLOLOL!

He looks like if Bill Murray and Howie Mandell fusion danced and then went on a bender for a record number of days.

40% first, 60% second?

Blake looks like he’s trying to mimic Vincent D’Onofrio’s signature look... and failing miserably.

Heated floor controls in a bathroom... already sounds like a terrible idea, no matter how cold those floors get (seriously... linoleum isn’t that bad and doesn’t lose heat instantly).

So I can expect another epic manbaby meltdown on national TV?