It’s the latter.
It’s the latter.
Cops either can’t or won’t do anything to help a lot of the time, since (apparently this is a thing...) having a masseuse, particularly a woman, massage a man’s body, they’re “setting up the expectation” of getting sexual favors from said masseuse.
I still recommend the cigar snippers, and decorating your space with them by hanging them over where the guy is going to be laying down and looking. Maybe put some halloween blood on one of them.
I’d wager because through UCMJ, he hasn’t been formally charged yet, because they’re building up a case on him. He likely knows he’s going to be, and the military does have rights to effectively imprison you without acknowledging it as being imprisoned. They’ve either put him in prison quarters or put him on lockdown…
Or he’s a newbie that was too stupid to not download child porn onto a government server/computer and/or not use his government email to receive it.
The feds won’t give up their rights to charge him... They’ll just put the case on hold and wait for UCMJ to finish out whatever sentence it passes down. The only time they do give up rights is if the person is going to serve life with no parole as it is, or if they only manage to complete their sentence when they’re…
That’s because women, and children, are all property. You can’t expect them to respect the rights of PROPERTY and acknowledge them as human beings with an expectation of not being used and abused.
If nature won’t kill her, I’m perfectly content with the inmates of whatever prison she’s in taking care of her as a problem.
Because chances are her intentions for her own child weren’t very ‘motherly’, considering she used her own relative (possibly a neice, or young cousin, or second cousin) to essentially make a product to sell to a guy that gets off on children being used for sex.
I was wondering that myself...
I have a friend who is a massage therapist and she’s had the same problem from some clients.
Seriously, football is not that interesting of a game to watch, much less obsess over. Stop killing each other over stupid shit.
I have a friend who has it. The problem is, it’s never just Lyme that you catch that can go untreated. You can get any number of coinfections, which can remain dormant or not affect you for years, and then suddenly... you’re unable to get out of bed. Like, physically unable.
Oh Bristol, don’t you have better things to do? Like jumping on another dick before officially being married to it?
My dad told me spoonbills taste ‘fishy’ because they filter around through mud to get at small crustaceans and mollusks, which makes sense. Mallards apparently eat primarily grain, seeds, and duckweed, but I know they’ll go after and eat snails given the chance (my brother raised a duckling that turned out to be a…
Ok Christians, just how is it that YOU are oppressed, again?
I would like to try wild rabbit sometime... or maybe even squirrel.
I’m pretty sure even neurotypical 8 year olds do that, so even if your kid is autistic (if you said he was I missed it in the comments), that behavior isn’t really abnormal anyway.