
The problem is just 343, not keeping Halo as the flagship franchise.

My thought reading that list: Damn, From used to develop a lot of games

TLOU2 does them well since the game is so bleak you start to expect something horrible every time you emerge. On the other hand, it’s overplayed to the point that I’d guess there are at least 4 times throughout the game that your character is caught in a scripted scene right after the squeeze. It becomes cliche.

Vampyr was fun on Game Pass, but the PC port is kind of shit.

I like seeing developers delay games, but I always worry it’s not actually going to alleviate crunch at the studio.

This is fucking stupid. “Employee” does not have a time requirement with it. It literally just means someone who is paid for work; not “paid for 8 or more consecutive hours of work.”

And there are protesters in Utah facing LIFE sentences for throwing paint on public property. Fuck this country.

No Dexter? It’s understandable if you forgot that show even existed. 

Did anyone even do any A/B testing on the new design? It basically focuses all of your attention on one story, and minimizes everything else.

Couldn’t get much more uncreative of a name than Reels. Wonder how many focus groups they needed to test with before they came up with that name?

It’s funny because this exact move is what stops me from investing more in peripherals. It’s hard to justify dropping money on a special controller (like a steering wheel) when I know I’ll only use if for a few games max, and it will be useless after the current gen.

American apps turn over just as much data to the US government. You’d be a fool to trust Google and Facebook but not TikTok.

Definitely the disc eject issue. It’s a great example of why consoles should NEVER use capacitive buttons.

So he got $4M in PPP loans but his charges only include a max financial penalty of $2M?

TikTok has a fraction of the data on you that Google or FB has on you. Are you equally wary of those companies?

Having the “Optimized for Series X” on the Fable title card is really confusing. Like, if the game is coming to only Series X and PC, it will obviously perform worse on Series X.

Why is the gaming Embody cheaper than the regular one? Is Logitech subsidizing it?

Fuck Biden and fuck the DNC. They deserve to lose in November. We already know Biden isn’t going to reverse any of Trump’s most egregious policy. I’d rather have Trump in office and people focused on how fucked up the country is than a Republican-in-all-but-name and have people going back to ignoring politics.

Glad you’re willing to sacrifice a body part so RBG can keep contributing to climate collapse by paving the way for pipelines

Congratulations on getting through an entire review without mentioning Sekiro. I wouldn’t have been able to do it.