Steph Werner

My dog and I practice fire drills (yes, I’m one of those people). We just moved into a new place so she needs to learn the new plan but I have faith she can handle it. So even if her hypothetical little sister isn’t as smart as she is, there’s still me.

Haven’t slept in two nights and was puzzled by Selena’s hookup with the married Canadian PM.

Just because we are jaded does not me we are wrong.

It’s 2018 in the USA. If you aren’t jaded, I don’t know where you’ve been.

Well, she’s doing a bang up job communicating. Her absolute idiocy, that is.

I’m guessing Communications major.

I almost don’t want to say it, but no, she’s got a long way to go to be as generically attractive as those Stepford wives. I don’t like criticizing a person’s looks, but that’s a basic job requirement over at FOX News, and she is sorely lacking in that department.

Strangely enough a person with a knife attacking her in that situation would easily win because of that complete impracticality of that gun in close combat plus the way she’s carrying it which makes quick access impossible.

When I was 11 (in the early 80, before the NRA was a shill for the firearms industry) I took my a hunters safety course and got whatever certificate it was that says I was proficient enough in firearm safety to go hunting with my grandparents.

One of the things we learned was “treat every gun like it’s a loaded gun”,

The funny thing is if she had walked across campus like that unescorted and someone decided to try and take it, it really wouldn’t have been hard at all.

She could use one of those hats, she’s not NEARLY as cute as she seems to think.

That is an excellent point

Us white people don’t have time for this nonsense either.

“Come and take diploma, because I clearly shouldn’t have graduated with my ramshackle logic and alternate understanding of history”

You can cut yourself on the edge from her tweet. This has nothing to do with racism or gun rights, it’s a moron trying to make herself look tough and edgy by walking around with an assault weapon and saying “Try and stop me.”.

That’s weird because I’m right here with Laurel and she told me she wasn’t talking to you.

My wife said, “Oh, thank god I wear hearing aids. Anyone asks me, I’m going to tell them I heard static and that one of my hearing aids is on the fritz. After that goddamn dress debacle, I don’t want to get into THIS.”

I just hear “KILL THEM ALL”, over and over again.

That makes you Switzerland. Incapable of making a decision and literally the worst people on earth.

“If I cut your ears off and put someone else’s on your head, sounds would sound different,” University of Chicago psychologist