
Thanks. We’re all feeling well thus far, on Day 7 in the Year of Our Lord Stupidity During Covid. The kid and I got tested this morning. 

I love Nillas, especially since I found out bison love them. Seriously!

Beautiful piping on that cheesecake! I have a hard time piping. 

All good so far! Also, we're moving into dry season, so it's not going to rain for five months, fabulousness!

Hope everyone had a healthy, happy & safe Thanksgiving. It was just us 3 this year. Was really nice despite us somehow completely ruining dinner so very badly that we made spaghetti & meatballs. The tiny human was in heaven over it at least. My husband and I just blamed 2020 as we are both quite capable cooks. So much

screw-in eye hooks and green coated wire does the trick (six years running) for me! my mother uses tinsel to lash her tree to the staircase railing, so that may be an option as well

I haven’t seen my mother in 9 months (she’s in assisted living). I’m Afraid the lack of - well, all those things we humans love about other humans - is literally going to kill her. Talking on the phone is tedious because her hearing is almost gone, Imo, they need to set up quarantine units in these residences so that

OMG. Knocking on doors with my shitty Spanish, looking for my gato. 

My brother’s wife just had it. He and the kids were all in the same house with her, and either they never got it, or never had symptoms. They all quarantined. And now they’re all ok. I hope it’s the same for you guys!

Fingers crossed!

Sending all the good, healthy, no-rona vibes your way.  Hang in there.

Oh Lordy, be well and take your vitamins. I will say a prayer for you guys.

Oh god, good luck indeed. That is crazy-making.

Her Sicily connection is very similar to mine. My grandfather was 5 when they came over around the turn of the 20th Century. He and my grandmother were from Terrasini. Only one of his brothers anglicized their name, and only the spelling at that.

This Anglo-Saxon just moved in with my Italian in-laws and I’m most excited for heaping platters of antipasti and pasta along with the Turkey this Thanksgiving.

*makes note to add jalepenos next time*

I take it seriously as a fellow child free person, since those kids are gonna be in charge of my retirement one day.

That sounds very comforting. Thank You.

Of course, button. You poor thing, 2020 can take a long walk off a short pier.