
What a handsome gentlemen he is.

I think I must have caught a cancellation or something. I told the receptionist I had broken my glasses.

This is excellent advice but I am not very handy. I did google and try a couple of things but I draw the line at taking it apart. Fortunately, I am in a position that I can pay someone so I have a repair person coming tomorrow. I don’t want to replace it unless I have to.

She doesn’t always let me but when she does its the best. She just lays there and purrs aggressively.

Awww he’s so cute!

I was able to get an appointment this coming Friday so hopefully glasses aren’t one of the things being delayed right now and I can get new ones quickly.

Thanks :) Laptop appears to be okay although I get nervous any time it lags even a millisecond.  Glasses were adjusted so they’re wearable until I can get new ones but that requires a new prescription and eye doctor appointment first.

I love that this is a thing. She does this all the time.

Hi Andy! She was just chasing her own tail like the silly goose she is.

Hi from a fellow New Englander. I had to replace 2 tires in the past like 4 months so I feel you on the flats too.

Have no fear! I regularly give her belly scritches when she demands them.

I don’t know who to squee over first.  Lincoln and her pointy little ears, Paris’s cow spots or meerkat Esmeralda.  So just... squeeee.

My laptop appears to be okay thankfully.  It’s only a couple of months old and I grabbed it immediately and flipped it upside down and dried it off. I’ll be able to get new frames once I get a new prescription. And they are wearable so all is not lost. My washing machine also broke last week. So I’m really on a roll.

Hi SNS friends. Anyone still out there?

You can roast coffee beans in a popcorn popper? That is very cool and I bet fresh roasted and ground coffee from your own plants will be delicious!

Thanks, me too. Hope you are doing well also.

Thank you. The cookies were one of those exciting moments where a plan works exactly as you thought it would. 

Charlie is adorable. He looks fuzzy. My girl is a super floof. She leaves hair every where. 

Yes, I am. Thank you for asking. My hand hurts from frosting 7 dozen sugar cookies and I am sick of working from home. Apparently I am the only person in the world who wants to go back to work but I am doing good.

Thank you! I have a ton of them and would happily share if I could. Roommates are all good. I have 2 currently, one who has lived with me for 2 years and a newer one. My cat is great. She is my little shadow. Loves to play and will only consume temptations treats.