
While I agree with absolutely everything you say I still love Aliens.

Honestly, it’s stuff like this I rate the MCU for over the fights, though I do like all the big spectacular stuff as well.

“Did anyone watching actually think Jaime was going back to Cersei’s side?”

Very, very excited for that. I always thought it had ‘TV series’ written all over it. But, yeah, waiting for the casting decisions is going to be nerve-wracking.

I’d completely forgotten about that bit until you mentioned it!

Weirdly enough that’s pretty much exactly what I’m going to do:) 

I don’t think people have an issue with the fact that it was Arya, more the fact that it feels weird for the whole White Walkers / Night King story to be over. Also the level or death among the unnamed ordinary characters compared to unlikely survival of plot-armoured main characters was a tad ridiculous.

Seriously, I’ve clicked from one article explaining how it was bad that Thor was fat and playing video games to this article about moaning about Cap’s gay friend. Did anyone actually go to see the superhero film for the superheroes or is everything about guilt these days?

Oh good, I’m glad all us of laughing in the cinema (probably many of us fat nerds) needed to feel guilty about it. I wasn’t entirely clear on how I should feel about that until you explained it to me.

Well, yes, but it’s adapted from something called “A Song of Ice and Fire”...

It’s weird but I completely forgot that until you mention it. It totally worked in B5 but I’ve got to say it doesn’t really seem the same in GoT. Maybe it’s because the White Walkers were in the very first episode.

It’s slightly more than a nitpick though, isn’t it. Why not form a counter-argument rather than saying “Oh, don’t listen to them...”

Unfortunately for me I this has played out in the wrong order. The Night King was supposed to be the thing that was coming to kill them because they were too busy fighting among themselves. Honestly, compared to that who cares about who sits on the pointy chair? Or is this why the show is called A Game of Thrones and

That’s the second time in as many days I’ve heard someone say ‘By Neil Gaiman’. No disrespect to NG but surely Terry Pratchett is well known enough for people to know about his involvement in this.

I’m still not sure why people are being confused by this. They explained it in at least two separate scenes. They made a whole big thing of how they couldn’t alter the present and could only spawn new timelines.

Agreed. I think it’s quite far down my list of MCU films but that’s more a statement on high the quality is in general rather than criticism of Thor 2.

Spiderman Far From Home better reference what’s been going on in the world or it’s going to be extremely weird. The picture that they were painting suggested the world was in a pretty dire state and bringing the missing back isn’t going to just make the world what it was before.

I notice that people are still being quite careful about spoilers but if I read the above article correctly then this is specifically the play we CAN talk spoilers. Oh, and can someone un-grey me please? I normally don’t give a crap about it but I’d quite like to discuss this film as I bloody loved it:)

Oh God, so need to talk about endgame!! 

It’s only a matter of time with Legends. The real question is, what fantastic title would this episode have?