
I could not agree more about FF7 Remake. When I first played it I thought “This is it; They’ve finaly nailed what they’ve been chasing all this time”

Did you not put the Axe in is hand you monster?!? How is he going to get to Valhalla if he isn’t holding his Axe?

I’m disregarding handhelds because I never really get on with them but I’d probably have to say the Wii as I really hated the motion control stuff and resented having to use those awkward controllers in games I really wanted to play. Also, it didn’t help that it was lagging behind the other machines on a technical

They must have done something right because it makes me feel a genuine affection for the system(s)

Judging by how some of the comparisons are going you might want to get some of those multi-plats on the PS5 as well...

That is the way I have tended to play Watch Dogs but I’ve found that having all these random people to recruit has led me to roleplay them to a certain degree and select certain people to do certain things when I could probably in reality use anyone for anything. It just seems more fun that way and will miss it if

And if you’d prefer to just turn off automatic capturing entirely, that’s an option, too. Just head back to the Capture and Broadcasts menu and scroll down to “Trophies.” You’ll see a switch that allows you to turn it off.”

As someone who started of with the most powerful console this gen (PS4) and end up with the least (PS4 Pro, obviously not counting Switch) I have to say it never seemed to particularly matter that much in practical terms, mostly because upscaling and checkerboarding looks so good. I was never envious of the One X

Yeah, England always seems to be the easy target; Even when isn’t even England yet!

Actually consensus seems to be angling back to them being just as bad as people used to think, though this is those doing the whole Viking thing not Danes as a whole.

Yeah, that sounds about right. Saxon kings = bad, viking invaders = misunderstood settlers who just need to raid and sort out all of England’s (which didn’t exit then, incidentally) problems for them.

I don’t get it! There isn’t anyone in that shot!!?

You know what? He actually looks the part.

“Oh god, I hope I haven’t left anything embarrassing behind for my relatives to find!!”

“But hardware can’t outrun software, and a game like No Man’s Sky, which is locked at 30 FPS, ran at the same frame rate on both machines.”

Hell yeah! That’s part of the fun. If anything this update should make everything fresh again. You can always back up your save to a memory card or something if you don’t want to save over it.

Ahhh, beat me to it!

No absolutely wrong; It’s a story about a sword wielding demon-alien who flies around in a ship (which is also an animal) shaped liked his own head and his battle against horribly xenophobic future humans led by an re-incarnated Tomas de Torquemada.

Who on Earth would want that???