Stephen R. Bierce

Sorry about the double-post.  Must be a hardware/operating system glitch on this end.

I just bought a pre-owned Escape and the front fender badges are missing. They were likely removed by a previous owner. Anyway, my thought was to find some Chana badges from China, as their truck badges somewhat resemble the Federation insignia from Star Trek.  Chana is affiliated with Ford, so I hear.

I just bought a pre-owned Escape and the front fender badges are missing. They were likely removed by a previous owner. Anyway, my thought was to find some Chana badges from China, as their truck badges somewhat resemble the Federation insignia from Star Trek.  Chana is affiliated with Ford, so I hear.

Big stars want to do kid vid at some point. It seems to be a perpetual joke about the life cycle of an actor or actress’ career: they do raunchy, nasty stuff to attract attention early on and move up the ladder at the studios and at some point they realized they don’t have anything to put on when the nieces and

Re: LAUNDRY. That TV series when they attempted to re-enact daily life in 1900 and found that the most popular laundry soaps used then are banned now for being toxic substances? Forget mere could be putting your very life at a risk and not know it.  Now we don’t have to play dirty to get clean.

Some things need no translation...

My sister and I live in western North Carolina. I once helped her take delivery on a car in Atlanta.  I fully expect to have to journey far and wide to replace my current car myself (it runs, but there are too many things wrong with it for it to pass inspection and the registration runs out next month!).

1986: Northbound on US19 in Pinellas County, Florida. Very hot, bright afternoon. Was in the fast lane going on the overpass near what was then Clearwater Mall...get nearer to the crest and suddenly all the traffic ahead of me stopped! I hit the brakes—no anti-lock then--since part of my inertia was VERTICAL the front

Scion coupes. Bonus if they ever made an AWD version.

Another part of me is arguing for Ford (Mercury) Capris, Mitsubishi (Dodge/Plymouth) Colts and stuff from overseas that never got sold here.
“No sweat.  I already did $2.75 million this morning!”

Fuel prices have spiked too. just reported that Jet Fuel prices in some parts of the US are north of $7/gallon, in some places it’s cheaper to get Aviation Gasoline or Sustainable Aviation Fuel...but even then you’re paying about 50% over and above what auto gas sells for.
I subscribe to a news service about

Fan since 1986 here.
Macross Plus isn’t a sequel to the Macross TV series as it is to the feature film Macross: Do You Remember Love? (which we tend to abbreviate as DYRL, it was released on Stateside home video back in the day as Macross in Clash of the Bionoids—a truly confusing and insulting edit if there ever was

I bet Knoxville was a poster child for this trend, in what was done there prior to the World’s Fair 40 years ago. Old downtown buildings were re-clad in Malaise-tectural metal and glass and old factories and neighborhoods were torn down to make room for an arena, parking, a police headquarters, parking, an art museum,

I have to nominate the Baltimore street course. Nothing much wrong with it conceptually, it was all in execution. The fact that there were light rail lines crossing the end of the main straight. The horrible pavement that could be ripped off by cars with aero downforce. The rough chicanes and narrow chutes.
Of course

Circa 2000, I was working in a hotel in a tourist trap town. Some guests left a big Tweety doll behind in one of the rooms and it languished in Lost & Found for months. The Christmas Party comes along, and I worked front desk that night and couldn’t help but hear the goings on as it was in the meeting hall behind the

I’m sure everybody knew this would happen eventually.

Earlier this week I’d seen a headline in one of my e-mail technology newsletters about how badly a war in Ukraine would derail worldwide electronics production.  A lot of vital raw materials come out of there.  I think things will get even worse before they ever get better.

My father was one of those “extra deaths” in 2021. He’d been sick with cancer and diabetes and other related issues for years, but the impact of the pandemic and everything that came with it made all his problems (and the work to get him treatments) worse. It took us much too much effort to learn if the most dangerous

BTW, in addition to Celebration, FL, there was also Burj Al Babas, an even bigger flop, though this time not Disney’s fault.  Proof that if there was a necessity, it would have been a more successful invention. 

Coming at this from another direction (a blog I’d written in 2005):