Stephen R. Bierce

Folks in these comments: Trust me, you didn't want this. I read both the Warner's and Sony drafts and they were dogshit. It's almost like someone tried to cram a season of weirdly adapted for America high concept anime into a feature film...

I want a Titan A.E. TV show made by the same studio that did Arcane.

For us to do that there would have to be a movie we want to go and watch

Yeah, though Moana feels a weird pick for that goal, since the brand is still young and would probably benefit more from a sequel than a remake.

I was served an ad once that read “You won’t believe the new Buicks” and had this car as a picture. When you clicked on it, it took you to a site that listed a bunch of boring crossovers, with not a single sedan for sale. A fine example of everything that’s wrong with the auto industry.

I consider my mother’s death COVID related because of how poor the hospital was functioning during her stay, April 2020. Technically, congestive heart failure. She was in for 11 days and released in worse condition then when she went in. For the first 4 days, she was put in isolation while awaiting COVID testing.

BTW, in addition to Celebration, FL, there was also Burj Al Babas, an even bigger flop, though this time not Disney’s fault.  Proof that if there was a necessity, it would have been a more successful invention. 

Who sez you can’t hear a picture?

I used to get the name mixed up between Sunrise and Sunbow.

There were three towns in Florida a few years ago doing this very same thing, and most of them didn’t even have 1000 residents....check out Waldo, Lawtey, and Hampton. I seem to think that all of them had their police departments disbanded due to this behavior.....Hey, maybe Defund the Police was ahead of it’s time?

Yeah - all the “product of its time” talk that’s often attached to discussions like this overlooks the fact that the portrayal was widely decried even when the movie came out.

We Xers are getting up there too.

I’ve known for years that you can buy a gen1 Camaro frame and shell for a kit car. And with GM coming out with a full EV drive train kit, this might be a fun build for someone with the space and time.

Rule #1: Never post a video when an article will suffice. Most people don’t have the time (or an appropriate setting) to watch a video, but all of us have 60 seconds to read a condensed list of tips.

Given that it was designed to be swapped probably just a forklift and some code.

Personally, I got tired of caring about whether a story is canon or not. I care about whether I like it as an individual thing first and foremost. With franchises the size of Star Wars, with so much material by so many different authors written across so many years, there’s going to be loopholes and inconsistencies.

And didn't Miles Davis do a commercial also?

And why not DUAL bike tires on each front corner? Lower contact area but more spread out.

I think there is some demented importer who is taking KIAs off the dock and dressing them up as Pontiacs. That is the only theory I can think of that explains why there are still so many Pontiacs on the road in the hands of hamfisted yahoos.

I was seriously thinking of writing a screenplay for Hairy Canary & The HotBirds.