Stephen R. Bierce

Who sez you can’t hear a picture?

I had a dream that somebody took a chassis like this out from under a school bus and built a huge “personal luxury” car on top of it.  Had a love pit in the back instead of just a bench seat.  Styled after the boattail Buick Rivieras.

There are still a number of US retailers who stock “grey market” goods.  Maybe not national-level ones but a lot of regional ones...mainly because of merchandiser-importer third-party suppliers.

In Florida there was a place near Orlando doing this and so the state had enough of the baloney and revoked their incorporation as a town. All the officials had their jobs taken from them permanently.  Just a datum.

The Nissan Toys/Van Halen commercial was done by Will Vinton & his studio, who also did the Pigeons commercial in the same campaign. Oprah Winfrey had the crew on her show for an episode all about special effects.

Several years ago there was a shop I knew that did EV conversions and I considered taking the plunge with my Prizm.  Problem was that the out-of-pocket cost for the conversion wouldn’t be paid off at my relatively low level of use for DECADES.  Now the price of the job exceeds the market value of the vehicle.  If I’m

My sister’s Toyota Tacoma.  The shape of the jumpseat is completely wrong and I’m an average size adult.

A Panther Callista that took three trips to the Golden Corral buffet on “all you can eat” night.

But the sedan did sort of exist. The ‘55 Biscayne show car.

Okay, it was you guys.

I thought I’d heard a story earlier this year about an airplane fuselage stuck under a bridge or overpass while being moved by train, and expected this story to be about that one.  But now I can’t find the actual story.  Well, it’s probably around somewhere, and if it isn’t this particular airplane, I’ll find out

A weird parallel from South America was Ford’s Corcel, which was a Renault that Ford of Brazil continued to build after they’d acquired Willys’ factories—and their licenses. The Corcel was restyled and re-engineered with Dearborn help and wound up roughly in the same class as EXP/LN7.

“You know your car isn’t really a Chevy?”

My preference is for a sedan, as there aren’t many coupes left with AWD and anything bigger (wagon, crossover, SUV) would be too much for my purposes.
So far my searching has turned up Subarus, Volvos, Jaguars and a lone Ford ex-police cruiser.

My own dilemma: I have to replace BOTH my vehicles as they’re both 2001 models (and while structurally sound beginning to get mechanically problematic) and moving to a place that mandates inspections (which wasn’t an issue in backward-@$$ Tennessee). I need a vehicle with AWD because the house I’m moving to is on the

And now I present to you, the recipe for tank decoy thanks to the Army Heritage Collection.

When I was a college student there was a TVR dealer in the town the campus was at. So I came close to test driving one. But I wasn’t ready, and then they left the U.S. market.
Of course, if I talked my folks into letting me trade my AMC (or Toyota, or Ford, or Oldsmobile) for one then, I’d be dead now, but that’s

When my father owned our VW Cabrio, I’d had a pipe dream about retrofitting the top to a powered unit, but the regular one seemed good enough.  (It was passed to my sister years ago, and she traded it in on something else after that.)

This article goaded me into hunting down Sega’s Wing War arcade game.  I hope there’s an incursion into THAT airspace!

For the Record: I played Gundam Duel Company when it was running, and Gundam Network Taisen until a few months ago, when I realized that I could lose my Bandai Namco membership due to my playing it from outside Japan. (On my YouTube account I have videos of my gameplay.)
Both times it was all about how well I could