I got here as soon as I could
I got here as soon as I could
crash test dummies mmmmm mmmm mmmm?
Crash, not accident.
Couple of SECONDS.
Boy that would be an episode if the truck was the father.
I really don’t want to know how many unplanned pregnancies happened in and around this vehicle.
Every time I go on an on-ramp and the car in front of me decided to get on the highway at 35MPH I die a little inside.
Bah. You want a dangerously slow Mazda?
I still want this...
If they put the specs in a different body, I’d be all about it.
Yawn, how boring. They should add more visual elements to make it have a little more pop.
I know I’m not Honda’s target demographic here, and I am glad to see them producing cars with some personality and oomph. But man this thing is ugly and over-designed. There’s just way too much going on and no “flow” to it.
It actually looks like a caricature of itself, what a 14-year-old would do if given carte…
Because this car DELIVERS!
“Insurance? How often you plan on getting cancer?!”
“My Falcon is Best Mustang because Twitter.”
These are not sliding doors, because they do not slide. The door is one member of a four-bar linkage; it moves on hinge bars, which themselves swing like traditional car doors.
“MV-22 Osprey twin-rotor vertical take-off airplanes...”
Look, if we’re going to use a war in the Middle East to distract us from the failing public policy and lack of improvements for the working class back home, we’re going to have to do it the same way we did last time. That’s just logic.