Stephen Dowling Botts

Thank Christ. Enjoy failing upward.

Yes. White people: evil. No one denies this.

And that’s exactly what matters, what we think, or are fed and asked to think. Not what’s actually happening. That’s just dull.

Word. Ten years ago, police violence did not exist. Nor did racism. How did we allow these police killings which have no demonstrable connection to racism, but are of course racist, because people imagine they are, to persist? And how can we fight it? Questions for our time.

“...essentially, she is nothing to fuck with.”

Ugh. Gross. Sorry you had to hear that. I asked because I sensed he was a cruel but smarmy jerk. Confirmed.

Man, sounds like a huge burden, being one of these two.

What was the joke?

Doo doo doot doo doo: I'm flubbin' it!

Because racism destroyed Sandra Bland's life, except for the part where race never entered into it, and she killed her own self.

Great piece, though I’m not aware of the Palestinians participating in an “Arab Spring” in the kind of way others in the region did; to do so would involve throwing off Hamas and Fatah which, since they were elected, does not seem likely.

Wow, this just popped up on the Gawker Random Story Generator. It is bad and dumb. You are bad and dumb for writing it, Matt Novak. Have you gotten a job at Salon yet?

I think Texans might be a good fit. You could even hand him the starter gig. Can't do much worse than what they have.


+1 Thighsman.

Indeed. So just shift it to "client dev."

Well, thank you for saying that, but no means no for me, buster.

So you wish to rape him?

Well, you can always bill it under "legal research." Churn those hours, baby!

surely they should be pressing for a criminal prosecution if the charges were true.