+1 Thighsman.
+1 Thighsman.
Indeed. So just shift it to "client dev."
Well, thank you for saying that, but no means no for me, buster.
So you wish to rape him?
Well, you can always bill it under "legal research." Churn those hours, baby!
surely they should be pressing for a criminal prosecution if the charges were true.
But to be fair, you don't actually know anything about racism.
The only difficulty with your thesis is the part where it departs from what words actually mean, and devolves into a sophomore late night dorm room bullshitting session.
No. You deserve it. See the difference?
Wow. That is, in fact, worse than I thought. Hard to see how... oh, wait. It’s Slate, the home of “Everything you think is right is wrong, dummy.” Now it makes sense.
Fuck your face with a claw hammer, bitchling.
Can anyone tell me why the original was bad, aside from the sympathy? That is, factual errors? Too lazy to actually read it...
Ugh. So sorry.
Cool, I will check those out. I also have a stash of BBC "In our Time" history podcasts for emergencies. They are kind of good, but also kind of fucking dull.
(Not that you asked me...)
Sorry to be pedantic, but Bowie did not live in Tribeca. I think it was technically Little Italy.
Show is decent, actually. Spotty, and could have used a little more TLC, but I'll keep watching, at least for a while.
Well sprayed, friend.