Stephen Dowling Botts

You tell em, Dwight.

You cannot whisk them properly in a pan, there's not enough room to get the air in, which makes them fluffy.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Failure is always the result of racism. All. Ways.

Is that the plaintiff in the pic at the top of the article. Cause... um... she already looks like she got a facelift? Possibly more than one procedure... just sayin'.

Connecting Islam with the Somali and Saudi governments is a fine example of dragging it through the mud.

And on and on Dannon and on again....


Dan Marino nods slowly...

You don't want your starting QB to win the Super Bowl? I mean, it's not like a preseason game, or meaningless late season football. Cam may never get there again.

Well, with the caveat that we can never be 100% sure a virtual stranger is a "good" person, you are dead, dead wrong. See if you can dig up the clip of him on ITNFL talking in an incredibly frank way about his struggles with being bipolar, and his searing self-assessments. Rare not just in sport, but in life.

Well redacted, sir.

Evidence that this sort of moderation is better than, for example, cold turkey.

Is there any evidence supporting any of these tips?

Like... basketball?

You are a very good, funny, unfussy writer. You’re where you should be.

That was a classy response, probably classier than I could have mustered as a Jet fan. That said, if we had met you this afternoon and won, would you feel the same? (winky emoticon)
