
I assume this boat has pools and other water attractions on the exterior. In a situation like this where the boat is suddenly headed for a frigid climate, do they drain the water out?

My comment was supposed to show the engine bay from the article. This comment system is terrible with attaching pictures.

Decorative, sculpted valve covers were some of the best parts of 1990s automobiles. Engines were a major source of differentiation between manufacturers. When you popped the hood, the valve cover was the first visual clue of what exactly you were dealing with. These days, the valve cover is just an anonymous part burie

I am a die-hard manual enthusiast. Every car I’ve owned since 1999 has been manual. For most daily driving tasks, it’s my preference.

I drove one of these on track. This is one of those rare cars that makes me ask myself, “What do I need to do to be able to buy one?”  Porsche did a great job with it!

I suppose he could have escaped from a rail car?

$100k was probably the down payment. This was a weeks-long paint job that somehow involved replacement and alignment of several body panels AND brand new interior trimming AND hand-painted wheels AND a post-production retrofit of the Sky View roof panels, which involved removing the roof.

The paint on the roof of my raggedy project car is worn out. I balked a little at the price to wrap just the roof.

On the other hand, last year my in-laws had to wait a similar amount of time for a Honda Pilot tail light.

Regardless of manufacturer, shouldn’t consumers expect adaptive cruise control systems to react to all vehicles ahead of them in the same way? If it can detect a car or truck, I sure as hell expect it should detect an ambulance or fire truck.

What in the world is that supposed to mean? Most modern cars and trucks can easily pass 100-150k miles.

I think he’s saying the adaptive cruise control system does not detect emergency vehicles with flashing lights as well as it does regular vehicles.

A friend of mine calls his Honda Fit a crossover. I don’t have the heart to correct him.

*Taycan Turbo looks around in confusion*

My guess: a combination of CAFE gamesmanship and platform/engine standardization.



Yes indeed. The LFA is a statement piece built with extraordinary care. It’s about so much more than “the numbers”.

no stick, ND. for $850k why did lexus cheap out and not do a v12 like lambo and ferrari. its not even a real drivers car. at least do a fast Automatic like the Demon. even my buddies duramax is faster with a $500 tune lol. corvette is also much cheaper and just as fast plus the corvette mid engine is better in the

I copied that straight from the Tesla website!