Man the design of the Mazda 3 still looks good, and will continue to look good for another 5 years with minimal external changes. If only they would get out of their own ass and make a speed 3 already.
Man the design of the Mazda 3 still looks good, and will continue to look good for another 5 years with minimal external changes. If only they would get out of their own ass and make a speed 3 already.
For anyone who thinks my sarcasm is not warranted, here is some perspective:
I always liked the VW (I think the early CC) where you insert the keyfob into a slot and then push and hold to start the engine.
That was my second weird police achievement. Ten years before that my car broke down on I-15, but we had a party to get to, so a friend picked us up. After the party we went back and my car was gone, so we decided to go home and figure it out in the morning. Found a cop driving ahead of us, my friend flashed his…
There will be one hell of a tsunami, though.
If I purchase a car that has “Full Self Driving”, if my brother asks to borrow the car for the weekend I should be able to give the car his address and watch it drive away. The car should navigate the route, stop and recharge itself, avoid causing accidents, and arrive in his driveway in 18 hours (he lives quite a…
I get that it is marketing lingo, and you can make some bold claims. But I still have no idea how “Auto Pilot” and “Full Self Driving” are allowed to be called what they are called.
Don’t worry, there won’t be a conflict with any government agency soon, because he’s just shutting them all down.
Do we (as a society of media consumers and producers) really need to show 6 people dying?
Not sure who the market is for these cars. I mean, the truly rich want the latest and greatest bespoke models to show off; this strikes me as a toy some aristocrat got bored with. So what does buying this one say about the buyer? Can’t afford a new one? Stretching to be a bit of a poser? Not really an enthusiast but so…
I got sick in China, went to ER got treated and medicine, paid $10. Had a walk in tooth cap replaced which in the U.S. cost $1500 with insurance, was $15 in China, and it’s lasted 10 years so far and it’s solid.
If anyone in the White House press corps had any self respect, they would ask him to spell tariff.
isn’t America the best?
Then he’d have a Ferrari.
Or sells dope.
As part of my week at Space Camp back in 1985, I got to wear one of Buzz Aldrin’s practice suits as part of a demo. I remember it being small even for me as an upcoming 9th grader and very hot without the cooling pack working. Procedures had you donning the helmet last, but you always have to take the gloves off first…
While also recording yourselves vandalizing it, no less.
That photo is all wrong. It will be a four-door hatchback EV crossover that will be indistinguishable from every other one on the market. See Mustang Mach E.