
I’m a landlord. As long as you would be willing to repair it all when you are done (or forfeit your security deposit if not), I’m perfectly fine with whatever temporary damage you want to do on my property. It’s my job to give you a livable place, and that’s pretty much it. I don’t have to be the fun police.

Barron likes to play dressup and pretend, just like his dad.

Kirby Smart — All the charm of Nick Saban without the results....

It was nice that Sasha and Malia had each other to hang with during those eight years, especially in the early going. I don’t know anything about this kid, and I don’t have any particular curiosity about him and I respect that his mom is trying to protect him from the shitstorms going on all around them. But just

All snark aside, I think this is actually pretty cool. This is exactly how I would’ve used the White House lawn if I was 11 years old and my Dad was the president.

There’s no reasoning with these types, save your breath

I’m sure there are countless Americans, on all socioeconomic levels, who do not understand the underpinnings of government spending.

That’s a fair point, but I would say a large portion of even well-off people don’t realize that. They live in a bubble. Nobody is surprised by that, nor is that news.

... What?! How is this “how Trump won”?

Honestly, just the fact that most of them probably actually picture Brink trucks rather than 1s and 0s shows they’re clueless.

There is incredible need for this. The general populous is so ignorant as to where there tax money goes it leads to bad policy. I was just talking to a friend this weekend and he was talking about the debt and how we need to get spending under control. I asked him what he would like to cut the military,

Yes, because tying your shoes and having a deep understanding of how home ownership tax credits effects people outside of your income stratosphere or how the gun lobby suppresses data is the same thing.

Or alternatively:

You’d be hard pressed to say that the outcome isn’t good. However, his glaring blind spot to poverty and how institutionalized it is, is both hilarious and frightening.

This is a man who isn’t a hyper conservative and says things that sound like they’re Lucile Bluth quotes.

I don’t see it as ridiculous. When you get to a point where you’re making billions of dollars, it is incredibly easy to lose your perspective about the rest of the world. He has been unbelievably wealthy for a long time and the longer he spends in that realm, the more out of touch he becomes. This project not only

Rich Man Confronts Privilege With Attempt To Change Money In Politics, Local Concerntrarian Retaliates With Slate-tier Snark

Yeah, I’m actually very confused by the asshole tone of this article.

Man does good thing. Blog that agrees with his conclusions mocks him anyways.