
I think it was pretty obvious from the clip that is what he meant. It doesn’t feel right to watch someone publicly grieve like that and then all of a sudden have to flip a switch and entertain people.

OTOH, TNT Commentator Shaquille O’Neal eloquently expressed what many fans were feeling over Thomas’ loss he said “Mrrump grmmhrm huunpmhrs drmmmhuhnnp urhmp.”

Yeah bro I hear ya. My cousin shared needles all the time in the 80s and never got AIDS. Screw a bunch of nerds with their statitsc... stattisk... stats.

Avoiding wearing a seatbelt out of fear of getting injured by it is like not wearing a parachute while skydiving because in extremely rare cases, a person gets caught up in the chute straps and strangles to death.

what about 9/11?

Yup, a milder PSA about the benefits of not wearing seat belts is definitely the way to go.

“The State Patrol reports that Chyna Thomas was not wearing her seat belt.”

We’ve redacted Eli’s email address but I can reveal that, disappointingly, it’s not

+1 -6

Eli’s just upset these messages were intercepted, but really he shouldn’t be surprised.

This is the same shit Peyton did when he tried to sell his worn uniforms.

Screams get a job while also not being at a job.

American soccer might not be the highest quality stuff in the world, but no other league is as dedicated to the long throw.

Of course Wisconsin won. Look at the photos you posted. They got to play 6-on-5.

Whatta scoop!

A real star can take his team on his back. Like Steph did with fuckin Davidson. Of course Steph’s dad was actually good at basketball

show a little respect for the office of president, Col-Stinkmeaner...

No team is going to win a championship when their best player is Drake.

Dude is raining missiles on Syria as we speak.

At least it was just a mattress. If anything bigger furniture wise, that accident would have been sofa king bad.