
Oh man, now you’ve gotten me mad all over again at my HOA and asshole neighbors who report everything to them (apparently my landscaping, which I pay a shitload for BTW, isn’t good enough? We have a “design committee” which is just a bunch of bored housewives walking the neighborhood and judging other people’s homes

People who contact HOAs about minor bullshit have a special place in hell.

What’s hilarious about this is that it’s a patently untrue myth that’s only put forward by people who like to golf and golf courses (gee, I wonder why?).

“And remember, Junior, if the teacher forgets to assign homework, make sure you point that out before your classmates clear out.”

that’s because you’re all poor. one day, maybe all of you can move out of your parents houses, get a real job, and then you’ll play golf.

What? Millennials are putting up the greatest generation of pro golfers yet.

“Well, I’m sorry if you just can’t handle a fan of sport making sure the rules are followed, good sir.”, the dickbag says, just before calling the HOA about those infernal children selling their damned lemonade down the street.


We need to make Baby Boomers go fuck their own selfish asses and die.

Does anyone out there actually have a 9 to 5 job? I mean, other than the current President.

He knows of a 9-5 job that treats you like a human? What is it? Unicorn rancher? Leprechaun rights activist?


“What a heartwarming photo to accompany this article. One man paying tribute to another.” - Dan Snyder

No, fuck right off with your First World Problem horseshit. Seriously, you should be slapped for mentioning something so fucking stupid.

...because they want to drink beer and yell stupid shit...

According to that reporter, the winner of MLS World Cup wins this trophy

I’m sure it’s this way in many places, but our state government is just a fucking disaster. McCrory and company actually reduced the power of the governor’s office as Pat was heading out the door for the sole purpose of protecting HB2 from repeal.

Don’t forget that home rule of the state vs the fed is the most important thing, unless the state wants to do something they don’t like, then “it’s federal law, you have to follow it”.

Baylor has committed yet another unforgivable atrocity: causing me to side with the Texas legislature.