sten whik

Yay an end-it-like-the-it-started ending. I love those. Pirates 3 and Halo 3 are still my favourite instances of it though though.

You've made me start thinking things through now and in doing so I've realised something I hadn't before and that is that there should be two Savitars running about free as otherwise the timeline doesn't work. So thanks for that. :P

Yes but how would you convey it visually is what I can't picture. Actually, scratch that, I just thought of way whilst typing this. Just have a red streak zipping from planet to planet before zooming out to star to star when he leaves the solar system lol.

I'm not sure if the planet jumping thing is something you could visually show in or out of comics. Anyway if we're talking in what the show could do he could also just grab another spaceship and follow.

True, maybe. I mean his speed could allow him to travel through space by jumping planet to planet or something but anyway he doesn't even need to since he can just travel through time to before she got in the ship.

That question pops into my head every week and then I remember that Savitar is a speedster and so could follow them anywhere.

Was going to complement whoever did the background CGI work for the OZ village but then I saw the random low texture 3d people walking about and the cars that were facing impossible directions in the background of the wedding. :S

A random sort of theory on where this series is going…
Seems they are setting up Penguin as the catalyst that brings all the big villains to the level they are at when Batman comes. Though most go for Arkham being how the villains get to know each other, it makes sense given that all the villains are often depicted as

The initial air limit made no sense. There is no way that in a facility that large with big open vents they would have such a short time till the air would run out. Sure the methane leak happened but before that Curtis was estimating just five hours.

Maybe I've forgotten something but I thought most of the staff at the DEO were being kept in the dark about Supergirl's identity. That seems to have been completely dropped as well.

I like to imagine Chase was crouched behind the salmon ladder for days. Every so often letting out a snicker while he waited for them to notice.

I would say that in building the world Aida didn't bother with the rest of the universe meaning the Avenger wouldn't need to have formed at all but then the existence of Inhumans and Hydra wouldn't make sense. I'm thinking perhaps Coulson was instrumental in the finding of Captain America and the Tesseract and with

Erm, so what was that muscle spasm about when Quake left after she and Ward said good luck to each other? Do you think that was part of the script or Chloe Bennet was just excited about something?

I didn't even realise they worked on magazines until he picked a copy up handed it over.
That thing was clearly a thick expensive looking monthly magazine.
My mind is now blown thinking about how idiotic it is for them to publish important current life or death news like that in a time when daily newspapers are pretty

The Trebuchet is a type of catapult. What makes a Trebuchet is the solid beam that has the freedom to pivot all the way round with a counterweight that also pivots. They can have buckets like the ones in this episode and still be correct. The use of a sling adds a lot more distance so is a logical addition. Other

If his powers have the same restrictions as before then he can only use them in certain places.

Yet he could only learn how to cook from a book. :P

Just a little thing that is annoying me…
"A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;" [Romeo and Juliet, Prologue]
How would Mon-El not know that they die?

He also seems to think he's the only one to know that a captain in said murderous criminal syndicate likes to kill.

Gifs are slowly being replaced by video formats designed to look like gifs so he might be referring to one of those.