sten whik

This episode had trebuchet. 10/10

Also Jedi can Force open most doors.

I loved those hints on Ganymede that something was off.
~Person in the dome waving like they needed help.
~The UN guys shooting behind like they were actually running away from something.
~The number of enemies on the HUD jumps from six to seven.

I love how every time the magazine in Zsasz's assault rifle ran out he had a look on his face like he just realised that he forgot to bring more ammo.

I like that idea, problem is it would probably then be blasted for being like Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.

The wording of wishes rarely make logical literal sense with Disney. In the actual film Aladdin wishes to become a prince and instead of becoming one Genie just makes him look the part.

I remember hearing from an SG1 commentary that P90s are so popular with the world's militaries/security organisations that at one point they were struggling to even get blanks for their props. Assuming that still is the case then maybe it is possible that everyone is using the same props and so the ones we saw tonight

I still laugh every time I think about Mon-El's weakness to lead. Dude really got the superpower short straw.

*Lance wakes up and opens the drinks cabinet to find a note stuck to his favourite poison.*
I, Quentin Lance, am the Throwing Star Killer!
*Lance stumbles back in shock.*
"The Throwing Star Killer has the same name as me! What a coincidence!"

For some reason it didn't even occur to me that they were trying to say that Lance is the killer when a watched that scene. I thought he had woken up to find himself attacked and the throwing star left there as a message. XD

Botman, new Range Rovers cost at least four times that.

What's with all the season/episode number sync ups this week?
Supergirl: S2:E2
Flash: S3:E3
AoS: S4:E4
LoT: S2:E2
Bernie Kropp: "Coincidence? I think not!"

The pipe thing was hilarious. In the wide shots it was nowhere near where she fell and at the same height as the floor she fell from.

Bwahahahaha! The Ghosts did that thing from Dark Knight Rises where they have guns but run in for a fist fight anyway. XD

At a glance if any of that is true (which I doubt considering Cracked is a comedy site) there's still plenty of time for other parts of their militaries to chip in.

I don't know much about nukes but you'd think that 21 hours would be more than enough time for every county to do something about theirs being taken over. What's stopping them walking into the silos and disarming them manually. Or if they can't be disarmed there's got to be more than enough time to take apart the

*Gordon's in a hurry.*
*Steals cop car.*
*Gets stuck behind traffic.*
*Doesn't turn on siren.*

I thought that part was just Lord taking a pop at Supergirl for not stopping Non sooner.

Oh my. This was an amazing mess of an episode. It was like every higher up/writer working on the show completely forgot how to do their job. No flow. No structure. No pacing. The thing was just one unsatisfying attempt to tie up a loose end after another.

Sara Lance looked like Gandalf the white fighting on the battlements of Minas Tirith in that last fight. It was great.