sten whik

He would then be questioning why the Lannisters weren't trying to pay off the debt now that the crown's finances were their own.

Agreed. Another possibility is that the bones might reanimate on their own (like some of the dead have appeared to do in the past) in which case he would just have to find a way to control them. I'm just thinking of ways Cersei could stay in the fight, in all likelihood if they did come alive they would take Kings

There's a load of dragon skulls beneath the Red Keep (and presumably the rest of their bones are stored somewhere as well) and a mad man that likes to reanimate the dead. Just reminding everyone. :P

As he was once Master of Coin he should have noticed that there was no money coming in. He definitely knew about all the debts.

Same thing. Plus they sacrificed an army in doing so. The Unsullied have no need to stay in the Casterly Rock even if they
had food, their objective was just to take it from the Lannisters and
they achieved that. Plus when they leave they could sabotage it so
nobody else could use it.

That's what they presented it as during the event. But it doesn't make Tyrion look less incompetent as he was still over-thinking the political strategy and under-thinking the military strategy. So, given how Olenna spoke with Daenerys about not listening so much to her advisers, maybe it will amount to something

They did. Highgarden's armies were preparing to besiege Kings Landing so would have been armed and ready and I believe one of the Tyrells said that they now had the largest numbers of the houses last season. That said Daenerys has invaded with overwhelming numbers, enough to be split up into many armies, so it's still

That was the reason given for the original invasion plan, the problem here is he should have recognised Highgarden was at risk and asked Daenerys to move some troops there to protect it. And it seems the Dothraki have just been sitting in their ships this whole time despite how silly that is.

Well, it seems I was wrong about Tyrion planning to move the Lannister army out of position. Kind of makes him look completely incompetent if he didn't recognise that Highgarden was at risk given how he knew about the Lannister gold mines running out. It also now raises the question of who recognised the army's

Notice that Tyrion didn't explain where the Dothraki horde will be to Olenna last episode, only the Unsullied. Perhaps he was anticipating all this. With Casterly Rock taken there is now only one main road from Highgarden back to Kings Landing. The Dothraki are best used on horseback in open battle.

If they hadn't added that line in it all have been fine as every other part of the strategy is sound. Castle trading was definitely a good move, Highgarden still has wealth whereas Castely Rock has none and taking it also means that House Tyrell can no longer pay for an army. Jaime's tactics are a little bit iffy

I can't help thinking that there can't really be a supply problem at Casterly Rock. Even with the fleet and food stores wiped out there's nobody there to stop them simply leaving and gathering more supplies on the mainland. They also made it sound like it would be a problem for their army to march across land instead

Maybe they haven't forgotten and put it in so Cersei could test him. In which case he failed.

Do you think they go all the way back to their own castles after every meeting?

It would be hilarious if the next two seasons just comprised of Daenerys walking into deserted places after a dragon flyby.

It probably was garrisoned but then dragons. People used to surrender their castles when they saw the enemy had a trebuchet so I'd imagine they'd just jump into the sea to get away from flying flame spewing death monsters.

Remember that the Court didn't get to test the virus so it might not have been as spreadable as they intended.

And so many people loved that you loved it that your comment has been voted high up on two websites. :P (I read IGN)

Damn it I was really hoping that they wouldn't go for that type of ending. They always make rewatching/reading something feel hollow. :( Don't even know if Jack will remember it all or if it will just fade away.

Cisco: "That is a meta human power dampener and it's all over the building so you can't use your powers inside."
Me: "P-put Iris in there."