sten whik

Its not bs, its simply a difference in what Disney ordered and how they decided to number the workload. They ordered 16 episodes worth of work to be split into four shorts, a film and a TV series of 13 episodes.
As such the four shorts were also given production codes 101A, 101B, 101C, 101D but they weren't included on

Production codes almost always only factually indicate production order. Although they can be used to work out hypothetical episode orders they do not prove them as episodes can be produced completely out of order to optimise the use of resources. In this rare instance the only additional information the production

That wasn't an episode of season 2 it was a special like "Spark of the Rebellion". Think of them like direct to TV films. Disney has come up with a structure of showing a special then a series that it seems like its going to be using more and more in its productions, "The Lion Guard" being next.

I'd say the likely plan is turn Rumple back into the Dark One after he pulls the sword from the stone so that the dagger and sword are magically linked to the same person.

I got a serious Charmed vibe from this episode so I'm now expecting one of the new characters following Jenny around to be someone's kid from the future.

I just automatically skip the Nygma scenes now so if they ever get good I'll have no idea.

This episode went way overboard with the word magician.
I had already worked out what was going to happen after they said it the first three times but then they continued using it for a further twenty or something more.

Anything can be connected in an analogy and how weak or strong one can be is subjective but this analogy is used to attack a group irrelevant to the subject of the review causing a backlash, fighting and confusion in the comments. I don't think that such an analogy is a professional/acceptable way for a reviewer to

I can't comment on the person's previous behaviour given that I haven't witnessed it before (I can't even remember the person's username now :S). But I will point out that the discord in this comment section wasn't localised to him/her alone as there were quite a few other gamergate responses and that I consider our

I'm not saying he/she had no choice and true enough there were other options but I am saying that such a response was likely given the circumstances. It is an attack on one of their most stated beliefs after all.

I have previously made only four comments relating to the gamergate controversy and they are here on this very page how does that make my other comments on this account "devoted to the Gamergate idiocy"? And what could I possibly be winning?

The discord in the comments exists and your reply only helps to intensify it. Whether everyone agrees that they should be here or not is irrelevant as the fact that we are even discussing it which deviates us from the subject of the review.

Then you simply don't know enough about what the reviewer, the responder or I are talking about. And you shouldn't need to given that it isn't relevant to the subject of the review. The fault is completely on the reviewer who has caused discord in these comments by jabbing at something for no relevant reason.

That's what happens when a reviewer mentions something that is really unconnected to the review. Any response to that is going to seem confusing especially given the subject of the review isn't even the right medium (the controversy is about video games and this review is for a TV program).

For those confused, this part of the review…

Yep, lots of things can be used to develop film but the end result can look a lot different from normal with weird tints, artefacts and such.

I don't get it either, they each have their own rooms in the present so Lisa should know that there is space for Maggie. Plus in the episode Lisa and Bart were sleeping in the same room at the time so there were two rooms spare.

Was that mention of Duff being indistinguishable to developing fluid moment meant to be a joke about how bad Duff is? Because if so then they have accidentally stumbled on the fact that a lot of alcohol actually works as developing fluid. :D

B-but I found most of those "[R]eferences passing for comedy" funny. :-/

This was not the episode to accidentally have my subwoofer turned up to full during viewing. The room did shake and lots of stuff fell off of things.