

You can’t adapt The Talisman into just one bloody movie. It’s too sprawling, too dense and episodic. One movie just can’t cover the story and do it justice, not even if you’re Spielberg.

Yeah, I don’t think there’s as much evidence for Dan Harmon being a horrible Alt-Right bigot a you’d like there to be. Alcoholic asshole? Sure. He’ll tell you that himself over a drink. Wanna call him a misogynist? Okay. I can’t and won’t defend him on that.

And Abrams isn’t?

... made Daisy Ridley cry out of happiness. She told the magazine, “Everyone was saying it was going to be Rian [Johnson] and everything, so I was genuinely quite surprised. And was like ‘Oh my God!’ and I started crying immediately with three people in the office.”

Yes, please this.

Too soon. Way way too soon. Wait until the PJ movies look dated, so give it another 15 years minimum.

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry watching this because, while I don’t want to believe it, I know in my heart that it’s true. :’-(

Oh dear. It’s everything I didn’t want. It’s full on prequel. I was really hoping it might just be “Han and Chewie do cool space crimes”, but instead we are going to have the whole checklist. Meeting Chewie, winning the falcon, doing the kessel run.. we’ll probably see him drop Jabba’s cargo too, even though that will

Let the indie comic streaming service war begin!

My nine-year-old randomly asked about this movie the other day. I told him they canceled it, but it might show up on Netflix in a year or so (when I won’t have to endure it). I got out of the Minions and Angry Birds movies the same way.

I tend to be instantly turned off by the “things used to be better” track of logic, but the creators here shore up their reasoning with arguments that go beyond nostalgia, and the line of thought serves more as a supplement to the core, which seems like an interestingly constructed and presented game. I’ll be

So is this going to be the first TV show revival that actually works? Because nothing else has so far. X-files had one good episode out of the six, and Gilmore Girls and Fuller House both apparently were terrible.

Yeah, but he was a gay man, and not a woman of any kind.

The 2010s have been a fairly grim decade so far. I realised the other day that I struggled to think of a truly great album or a brand new great band to come out in the past 6 years, the same with Movies. The early 2010s has had few if any all time classics.

what about the fans who are inspired by buu

Welcome to the year 2016, where the jokes have become reality, reality has become a joke, and every celebrity you like is dead.

Please be aliens. Please be aliens. Please be aliens. Please be aliens. Please be aliens.

This is why I love comics. It’s so much easier to try out stranger/interesting ideas than TV or movie. Some interesting stuff coming out this fall.

Excellent. As we keep trying to tell the apologists and deniers, it’s about parity. If male heroes were as half-naked (stop the bullshit false equivalency between tight clothing and actual fucking bared skin as they are not “the same”) and needlessly twisted there’d be no problem.

The hot topics from Stranger Things are (in order of how much people talk about it on the Internet)