Stelley Poovey-Archer or Brody South Dakotee

but then he also says they’re “enjoyable and harmless”, which…seems like the opposite of every other religion. Why can’t every religion admit that even though scripture says it’s a sin, it’s not actually hurting anyone, so who cares?

You’d think that someone who’s all about learning and enlightenment he’d have figured a few things out, but...

I watched the video and this is how it came across to me too. Just a like a dad joke.

ikr? It’s always so depressing and sad when otherwise progressive people come out with really dated views. I get that he comes from a very traditionalist society, but this gave me a sad.

I can’t watch the video but the part about attractiveness seems a bit like a dad joke gone wrong. Like “of course she’d have to be pretty! After all, the only reason I’ve done so well is because of how hot I am!” *dad chuckle*

It’s almost like he’s just a person and not imbued with the spirit of a random god.

Well, there goes another “at least X is in the world” balloon, popped.

Dammit, why does he have to go and fuck up like this? I was really counting on him not to be a shithead like everyone else.

I’m really hoping the site is nothing but videos of Snoop and Martha Stewart getting high and crafting together. I would reload 100x a day for content updates.

I am simultaneously not surprised, yet disappointed. I had hoped for so much more from him.

Do emoji work on kinja? Because this is all I've got 😳😖😢

Now playing

At least John McCain has her back (or did in 2012):

Fuck ‘em dude. I left journalism after seven years. It sucked. I worked in a newsroom that was in constant turmoil due to the company being sold multiple times, overtime was constant due to understaffing and regular staff turnover. People like me who had stayed in the newsroom long term were constantly bitching and

Did you read the article? Why are you using he/his pronouns?

I started and stopped a comment several times here but, so I don’t completely doxx myself all I’m going to say is: Yes. I am a journalist and ... yes. perspective is everything. I will guarantee you that working a shitty job that pays enough to live on trumps working a shitty job (or jobs) that doesn’t. And I know

Oh, anyone who judges others’ career decisions can fuck right off.

Well, I always thought it was funny because we’re laughing at the assumption that the high-paying job is “better,” while Peter is actually happy outside, doing something he finds somehow enjoyable. The joke is that the work we all look down on is actually happier than programming software solutions for Penetrode.

It’s funny, because a friend of mine accused me of being happier at my current job only because they pay me well. They do, but I’m happier because everything here is AWESOME and we make a great product. I’m happy because I have a reason to be happy.

We all laugh at Office Space and get a kick out of how Peter’s solution was to give up his high paying office job for shoveling rubble, but it’s no joke that sometimes a cushy office job can be mind-numbingly painful.

I know what you mean, I worked this job that paid well for a few years & I hated it so much. I wanted to quit & work at fucking McDonald’s. Now I don’t think about money as much as I do my happiness.