
If it isn’t on the bill, you don’t owe it. File this under - reasons US tipping culture should be eliminated.

I mentioned this on another article earlier today, but the GOP voted a HUNDRED times to repeal the ACA, not to mention they’ve had 8 years (2 of which they controlled all three branches of government), and still haven’t passed a repeal on it.

Awwww you MAD? Triggered another addict. My mind could easily be changed. It often is. But there has yet to be a single idiotic vaper who can justify up to 5 million teens now addicted to nicotine. The “idiocy” I believe is supported by the GLOBAL consortium of medical and health EXPERTS.... The “idiocy” you believe

Vapers don’t care about any of this. Most vapers think nicotine is good for you. That’s why they started adding benzoic acid to vape juice. So they can vape 50mg nicotine. They are just smokers with flavors. There is no change of mentality with vapers. Same smoker attitude: "Hooray for me the hell with you". Nicotine

Do not vape around your kids.

For anyone who knows what life is really like across the river in dc this is hilarious.

Can we let the gender pay gap myth die already

I usually just say “You can save 15% or more on car insurance by switching to GEICO”

Um, I had multiple six packs during my wife’s pregnancy, so I’m not sure what the big deal is.

Not many things can be as disgusting as sharing a woman with other men. Let alone showing your low self-value as a man.
You wouldn’t eat dip into which other people double and triple dip, would you? Also, imagine the exponentially increased chances of catching an STD because she didn’t use protection with one (or

Eh, there are some correlations but this doesn’t prove causation. A lot of poor people are poor due to bad decisions and/or lack of forward thinking, such as not purchasing toilet paper in bulk or on sale.

it's totally explainable! when media gurus realized tons of people watched let's play videos, they decided that it was more effective than a commercial, so they picked up a youtuber and started promoting him by plastering his name everywhere. and sure enough he got millions of views. today, he gets paid to show games,

33 is one of the best pieces of TV ever made.

Wheres the source? I like how this is directly from reddit, but there's no source attribution. This is the exact reason i hate gawker media, you guys are just a Reddit aggregator.

I've been stuck in a job I hated twice. Both times, I couldn't move because my ex was out of work, and I couldn't take the risk of moving somewhere where the job might not have been as stable. I was utterly miserable. It was the kind of misery that would wake me up in the middle of the night, filled with the urge to

Without a veil?

Considering all political discourse in this country has devolved to people just calling each other Nazis, I assume the baseline on how often "Nazi" is tweeted is pretty high already.

Doctors furious!

Ad: Local mom discovers how to stop gagging with this one weird trick