
I thought this was going to be a joke article, but then I remembered it's Gizmodo.  It's the equivalent of "I don't like this thing and I'm going try to ruin it for everyone else!"

It was just an awful episode which felt like a chore to get through.  I won’t be sad when this series ends.  It stopped being good a while ago.  

Blah blah, the argument of whether this guy is a criminal really isn’t in question. He is. Not everything on Wikileaks is a whistleblown crime. It’s just data dumps. That’s illegal. It’s not press, there’s no freedom involved when we’re talking about secret documents.

This is why Snowden will also be rounded up

What worthless people. I mean, if Kanye West had even a little bit of musical talent, this family might be deserving of at least a little bit of their fame. But he has absolutely no ability to sing, everything he does is heavily processed through a computer, and he has the worst personality of a celebrity in a long,

I don’t have any sympathy for rich people.  Go serve your six months in a comfy white-collar prison and appreciate the fact that you don’t exist in the same reality that the rest of us do.

It’s not that we don’t want to support these far left-wing people because we’re afraid they’ll lose the election, it’s because we don’t want far left-wing candidates. You know what you get when you stick extremists in both parties in Washington? Nothing. A whole ‘lotta nothing. This country is a mess and both parties

Well they’re right, nobody is above the law.  Snowden will eventually meet the same fate.  If it were simple whistleblowing, it would be one thing, but these guys both went above and beyond that.

She’s really not very funny, though. It’s as if we have this extreme lack of comedians right now, so you see people like her and Kevin Hart EVERYWHERE. Especially Kevin, because he’s one of the few non-white comedians in the public spotlight. Take a look at his resume for the last several years. He’s the new Melissa

This is also called schizophrenia, and I doubt it’s behavior you should recommend to people. Separating a negative self allows you to defend or ignore its actions more easily than if these things came from you.  Acknowledge your negativity and figure out why you feel that way, rather than labeling it silly names which

These movies are generic and boring, and no amount of philosophical analysis makes up for the bad writing and casting. There was so much potential for even these same characters if they just had somebody behind these movies capable of making a compelling film. It’s not entirely their fault, because it’s a problem of

As much as the liberals of America annoy me today, the conservatives are just so goddamn stupid and petty anymore that I still question how anyone could stand behind them either.

Christ, what terrible advice this website has sometimes.

DO NOT jump into cold water. Your body can go into shock and you literally won’t be able to swim from shaking uncontrollably. You could drown, or have a heart attack.

If you do take this website’s advice, and this happens to you, I imagine you could probably sue

LGBT issues are often blown so out of proportion that we allow politicians to use them as political tools to get votes. I mean come on, who gives a fuck if somebody bans transgenders in public bathrooms? If you’re trans, then go in the bathroom you want to go in. Who is going to know? Last I heard, there is no dick

Unfortunately that’s not true. When stop-and-frisk was ended in NYC, they recovered half the guns per year than they previously did. We’re talking about thousands of guns here. That’s thousands or tens of thousands of potential crimes, including murders.

Wall street bankers don’t need to be frisked, they just need to

I like to call it “common sense” but that works too. It is in fact a shame.

Remember in the 90s and early 2000s when you’d see all those filler articles in computer magazines on how to build a custom machine, and it was kind of funny to see them pointing out all these amateur things that shouldn’t need to be said if you were going to actually attempt to build a computer?  I have deja vu.  

Umm, April Fool’s was over a week ago, buddy.  This laughable excuse for an article is why your company is struggling and will eventually be bought up by something like AOL or Yahoo.

Does this really need an article? Being rejected for a credit card is one of the most trivial first-world problems you can have. You throw it in the shredder and try a different one.  

Imagine your potential if you spent a fraction of as much effort on your life as you do on your internet profanity.  Labels are for children who have a hard time understanding things.  

Of course you’re messing with me, because you really don’t have any other approach to dealing with things that don’t conform to your stiff ideologies.

I never said anything is going to be censored. But that’s what a lot of people want, on both sides. They want the U.S. to be like Britain or Canada, where they police