
The best college is the one that you don’t sell your soul to the devil to pay for.

Firefox has never really been secure, or efficient.  I don’t know why anyone would use it on a mobile device.  

This sounds obnoxious. I have dignity, I’m not kissing ass for any job. I am valuable, I have skills they want. Their job is to impress me, just as much as it is for me to impress them, by effectively conveying what I can bring to the table. Writing sweet little notes doesn’t change my job skills or impact the

That’s funny, I would consider Apple to be the worst solution for doing anything, including messaging. There’s nothing of any practical value that iPhone does that Android cannot. However, if emojis are really that important, then I suppose the toy OS is the better choice.

I don’t see the point in paying for something monthly in order to stay organized.  There are so many free options, including pen and paper, or the built-in apps on your phone.  If you need things more elaborate than that, then perhaps you’re spending far too much time organizing and not enough time actually doing any

So it’s officially okay to call potheads shitheads, interchangeably?

Somehow this doesn’t in any way justify legalized marijuana. It just shows the lengths people will go to get high, many of which with psychological additions, and all the more reason it should be banned again.

Race also plays a factor in showering. Despite all that “we’re only different on the outside” nonsense, there are in fact genetic differences to how we sweat. Many Asian people, the lucky dogs, do not typically have odorous sweat, because they have fewer apocrine sweat glands. Try to even find a deodorant section in a

Rule of thumb is you don’t tip anyone making 5-10x profit on the item they’re selling. Any type of vendor set up just about anywhere falls into that category, so screw’em.

Tipping should be abolished. What a stupid practice. I go to a restaurant, one person takes me to my table, another person takes my order, another

Some people are just dumb about touching. I don’t think they mean anything by it, but it’s awkward to those of us who want our personal space. If I were a woman I might read into it more, but as a man, I can tell you that men do this to us just the same. I could totally see Biden touching my shoulders and whispering

We joke about how shameless China is in ripping off literally everything, including American fighter jets.  But it’s a real problem.  Their government doesn’t care, as long as there’s a steady flow of money to grow their military.

There are too many flaws with the equal pay debate. We’re doing a disservice to legitimate victims of sexism and discrimination by pretending there’s this massive wide scale problem, without pointing out so many of the obvious factors as to why women might typically make less. We don’t take into account that dangerous

Most places have surveys on the receipt.  Use it.  Then leave feedback through the company website, and Tweet at them while you’re at it.  Make a stink about it.  If something matters to you, turn it into a big deal.  Sometimes the principle is more important than the mistake.  If it costs that girl her job, then

I know plenty of gay people who still eat at Chik-Fil-A and shop at Hobby Lobby.  Pick your battles, folks.  If gay people aren’t too good to eat there, then neither are the rest of us.  

That means you either stop going to the restaurant, or you give 4% less tip. Screwing the server? You bet. That’s how you fight bullshit, in the pocketbook. If enough people did it, the servers would protest.

Asking an idiot what they eat is about as interesting as asking an idiot what they watch.  Given that we’re talking about Kardashians, I rest my case. 

Most tattoos are tacky, so no.  

This is a nice idea, but it doesn’t fix the problem. These kids probably have shitty parents who spend all their food stamps on soft drinks and candy, to trade for cigarettes and pills, and can’t feed their children. It happens way more often than you think. Anyone who has ever worked retail knows what kind of garbage

Sorry lady, your boobs are now a distraction to the school.  Grow up, stop storing porn on a device that you’re too dumb to keep secure, and let those kids get an education with a teacher with more common sense.

I feel bad for people who follow the Kardashians. I mean, they’re literal nobodies. Uninteresting, vapid, and trashy. There are more interesting YouTube celebrities than these people.  

The one dude’s wife is boning another dude. Your loving wife who wants to sleep with you and be sweet to you and your best friend does not want a divorce for any other reason than a clear conscience. There are children to consider, and if the relationship is still this cordial, then they can make it work.  She’s a