
I don’t get the shitting on a movie like this. How interesting could this woman’s daily life have been to justify giving her as much or more screen time than the other elements? People lived hard lives, they did a lot of housework to deal with a family and a home, and back then, a lot of that was on the woman.

Isn’t the aggressive tribal nature of so much modern rap music ultimately the cause of so many rappers being shot by fellow black men? We’re not talking about a Christina Grimmie situation, murdered by a crazy fan. We’re talking about guys who have beef, which seems to be the case over and over. I don’t get it. You

Some ASMRtists are careless. They use their keys in videos as a prop, when it’s possible to copy a key from a photo. They show things near where they live, which makes it easy to triangulate roughly where they are (if not exactly, when they also show angles of their environment from on their property).  You’re talking

Is it just me, or are the kind of people who typically follow the royal family’s drama the same people who also follow the Kardashians?  

I found that if you just don’t pay these out-of-network doctors, they tend to just leave you alone, probably because they know it’s a massive scam and are making so much money from other people (and insurance companies) that they don’t need to spend anything on legal fees when they can just keep scamming everyone

Emergency room visits are one of the biggest medical scams in this country. Even if you have insurance, don’t go there unless you have an actual emergency. Go to an Urgent Care center, or wait until your regular doctor can see you. You can easily run up thousands of dollars at the emergency room if you’re self-paying,

Self-defense in real life almost never involves martial arts, even if you can find the rare YouTube videos where somebody gets a kick to the face or whatever.  Considering the number of dumb bullies and weird kids in martial arts classes, I feel that a child can get the same mental discipline doing other activities,

Duke’s is terrible, but it always comes down to Duke’s or JFG for people in the south, it seems. Duke’s is very strong and I can’t stand to have it on my tongue by itself. JFG is sweeter and smoother.

Giving up plastic products isn’t really the solution to anything.  Actually finding productive ways to recycle it is the ticket.  The problem is that we ship it all to China, and look at what’s happened.  Recycling centers are closing left and right, all because of policy decisions and dick-waving.  The fact that

College is a scam, and the myth that you need it to make it in life needs to die. The large majority of people who go through college either never use it in their professional lives, or leave college so incompetent at their career path that they still take years doing grunt-level training work with a company before

The reality is that nobody deserves the benefit of the doubt. This is all bad advice. You should go with your intuition. That’s why you have that skill. You developed it to judge people quickly for your own benefit or safety. It’s why humans exist. You don’t have to be an asshole, but people need to earn your respect

...why?  You risk the wallet being damaged, or things falling out.  Call your local police dispatch (not 911), and they will come to you and retrieve it.  You can also take it to the police station, but if it’s anything like here, be prepared to wait and go through metal detectors and crap.  This way, there is no

Give me a break. Every device you’re using is made in a Chinese sweatshop by slaves, under a government which is biding its time before it tries to start World War 3 by arming itself with the countless dollars you’re pumping into their economy, which also continues to violate international law to help North Korea

“Using Kapersky is safe.”

Never speak in absolutes.  

It was only recently that I found out just how much some women pay to get their hair cut, when my girlfriend said she didn’t realize a beauty product store would charge her $60 until after the job was done, because she was there and thought it’d just be convenient.. And it was just a trim, nothing special. It’s

The internet has proven that you can go to Japan and make fun of a suicide victim for your YouTube channel and still continue to have a fruitful career.  

They don’t even accept plastic around here anymore, because America doesn’t do anything itself and just sends all of its garbage to China to deal with. Trump’s silly trade war changed that, so now recycling centers are dropping like flies. My yogurt containers go in the trash, along with glass, and various other recycl

I can buy ten dollar Sony earbuds which sound better than any of Apple’s offerings. I never quite understood the justification behind buying an overpriced sub-par set of headphones. But there’s people who also swear by Beats by Dre, Monster Cables, or tube amps, so I suppose there will always be that person out there

I see that you are easily provoked by facts into belittling your conversational adversaries. There is no discussion to be had with you, because you know nothing of the topic to actually discuss it. You’ve ignored everything I’ve said that has a tangible impact on your argument, and chosen to redirect into making me

I think people know when the time is right. This isn’t something you ponder and calculate. It’s something you inherently want, to be a parent, to bring a life into the world to care for and pass your memories and morals to, or perhaps to somewhat selfishly (but understandably) help take care of you when you’re old.