
Um, Gina Torres, our one true goddess is on Suits?!! She’s right there in the picture!

Fuuuuck, today is rough. Last summer my dad shot my mother and then himself. This is my first year without her. We were having a rare fight and hadn’t spoken in 5 days and the last text I have from her is “I guess I’m not supposed to have feelings.” All I want to do today is hug her again. Just for one minute. And

I don’t post very often, but I’m a little fucking petrified and I just need to express it somewhere.

:O We already know what the blob was! Did you miss the last two episodes? I won’t ruin it for you (unless you want me to!).

Katherine McPhee, and her character, were the worst parts of Smash. We need Foster to save us from her.

Is this some kind of eastern European mangling of the English language?

I love how the Beauty Thread has turned into an Ergonomic Mouse Thread.

I’m starting to write a novel. It’s actually a story I’ve had in my head since I was about 10 years old, but I only just found the motivation to start it. Good god, if I wrote this while I was 10 it would’ve been terrible. Like, the ending was just the Battle of Minas Tirith from Return of the King. Oh me from the

I got married last year and chose to keep my name, and the reactions have been interesting. Growing up I didn’t know anyone whose mother kept her maiden name after she got married. All of my now-married women friends changed their names. I don’t know any married couples who have hyphenated their last names or created

Beauty thread!

I’m happy to report that I’ve gotten the job. I’m just waiting for my background check and to do my fingerprinting on Monday. It’s a PM job at a large bank. Eight month contract. I’m keeping the Panera job one day a week on the weekends. I have a lot of bills.

I keep picturing a wild Gwyneth Paltrow bachelorette party as one where everyone eats carbs and gluten.

Not a pay gap story, but a story of a boss (or series of bosses, I guess) giving me that much needed push I needed to spiral further into depression back in 2016.

I was an executive recruiter for Management Recruiters, and was a top 1% producer when I was 26 (I started when I was 23). I referred a candidate to another recruiter, who used to work in the same office as me before he started a new expansion office (still reporting to the GM/owner of my office).

I don’t know, except for the public-ness of it, this sounds pretty ideal. I’d take this over 16 hours of labor any day.

So, I did the super cliche thing on the Day of Visibility and came out as trans today to my friends and family who did not already know (all but about 6 people). It honestly went great. Tons of support, including from some family members I had feared might not be on board, no warnings that my soul would be condemned

I’m doing ok, just taking it day by day. Today I cried in the juice aisle at the grocery store, but then laughed, thinking about how he’d tease me for it. Thank you.

For me, it’s the kinja issues. Since I’m grey, I don’t even bother posting anymore because no one will see it.

I know there’s been a problem with some grey posts being invisible/causing problems when they’re enabled. So it could be a bunch of people aren’t bothering to post any more. Plus there have been random bannings.

We took in a pregnant stray that had two babies 10 days ago. They’ve started opening their eyes.