
With 40% of precincts reporting, Lamb is ahead by 9 points

I was contacted by a headhunter :) the jobs he has in mind are mind blowing but my husband encouraged me to try anyway. The headhunter thinks I am entirely qualified but have been overlooked before because I am a woman and a minority. I currently have a good job but the headhunter thinks I have been selling myself

Is Emotional Support Hipster the MPDG for white middle aged parents?


I give him ‘til about 8:15pm tonight.

To counterpoint the other guy, Three Billboards was exceptional. From a writing standpoint, everything moved like clockwork. Interestingly, it seemed to be one of the only Best Picture nominees that was strongly writing and plot driven (aside from, notably, Get Out), where all the others were led by other factors.

I was an English lit major and I’ve only read 7 of them. Early-mid 20th century lit is not my thing. I’m impressed with anyone who’s managed more than 10 of these, tbh.

I hope Trump Dating requires DNA testing to make sure you aren’t related to your match.

I can’t say enough good things about azelaic acid! Cuts down [pore-clogging] keratin production, has anti-inflammatory effects, and fights acne bacteria — and unlike retinoids, it won’t increase your UV-sensitivity. The catch is that you need a 15-20% azelaic cream, which is hard to come by. Gigi’s 15% azelaic cream

It is sobering...I’ve become estranged to family members as a result.

Anyone up for a beauty thread? I know there’s usually one on SNS, so figured I’d start it.

I had a baby you guys! She was born on February 14th, she’s a hilariously good baby and my c-section recovery has been a freaking dream. We’re already home after only 2 days in the hospital! Here’s a picture because I’m dying to show her off!

Uh, Republicans controlled Congress during Sandy Hook. There were multiple gun laws proposed, mostly by Democrats, after the shooting and, surprise surprise, they were all voted down by Congress. Obama for his part signed 23 executive orders to reduce gun violence. So no, not “in all fairness.”

She can feel free to get the flu and die, but I’m getting my damn flu shot like a reasonable adult.

Beauty thread! (I checked and there wasn’t one? Apologies if I missed it.)

Good evening everyone! This week I accepted an offer for pretty much my dream job. Whilst I’m incredibly excited, I’m also a little scared as said job will involve moving from the UK to Long Island, NY. I’ve never lived outside of the south of England and only been to the US once before, so I’m not entirely sure what

You should start sending out resumes for other jobs but definitely don’t quit until you have one, obviously. Nonprofits have the tightest budgets in the game, as you know, and they hired you with a budget in mind. They’re not going to increase it, and they probably expect you to move on rather than give you a raise.

Ageism thread. I’m 45...never married, no kids. I date younger guys and I’m newly unemployed and going through some really hard times. I seem to be experiencing some serious ageism with companies/hiring and with people who have an issue with me dating guys in their 20’s. I’m so frustrated and hate feeling shamed. Not

The thing that bothered me a bit was the message, namely that disabled/flawed people must either live alone, or face the reality they’ll have to marry a fish.