
DevaCurl Mist-er Right

Sam Waterston as Mueller.

Yeah, when I was uninsured (shudder) I used to get mine cheap from New Zealand. I was on Accutane 4 times but honestly Azelex worked as well if not better and less toxic.

I was grey for years. Didn’t comment much then so it was what it was. Then all of a sudden I was out of the greys. Still not a big commenter, but the affirmation was cool. Now recently I’m back in the greys. Don’t know why but I’m here and commenting a lot less and part of that is due this you’re not in/you’re

This is so true.

Second the home inspector suggestion—I’d also recommend hiring your own rather than having one of the realtors do it (their end goal is to make sure the sale goes through...). Also, see about getting a home warranty.

My boss has an old friend there and she’s gone several times with her kids. According to her it’s gorgeous and peaceful and I’d bet you could find people who speak English there.

Missed this—totally agree and second the recommendation.

Have you ever tried azelaic acid (Azelex, etc.)? I’ve had serious bouts of cystic acne and azelaic acid was very effective for me.

Actually I hope all those fuckers interbreed and Darwin themselves off the face of the earth.

I’m a horrible person, but if this season’s flu ends up killing a shitload of evangelicals, I will not be sorry.

God to Michelle Bachmann:

You might already be doing this, but I’d suggest editing your resume so it’s no more than 10 years of experience and leaving your graduation date off. Makes it a bit harder for them to weed you out before you even get an interview.

Left Shark

That’s got me to me, too. She was elected Queen of a planet at age 14-15. How fucking stupid is this planet to elect a 14 year-old QUEEN?

It doesn’t come up under your recently viewed items on Amazon?

Exactly my thoughts! Rimmel Kate Moss 08.

Happy Birthday!

TheBalm Shelter. It’s a bit more coverage than a tinted moisturizer but doesn’t settle into lines

Your son is awesome. You are awesome.