ALTERNATE Merge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait for someone to drop an STI motor in this car. Or drop a Supra motor in it for a really interesting engine swap.
I have said this with The Phantom Mess. They should of went retro with stop motion, With a sprinkle of CGI. There was something special about the first three Star Wars that was sort of diluted with the recent trilogy. I am all for progress and he did a great job with all the FX, I just think it would of been so cool.
But isn't Detroit this great big shit hole of crumbling infrastructure due to neglect and rapid vacancy. So I guess Pugh is not doing his job. He probably likes all the perks the job comes with more than the job it self.
Nice one. But first you have to call it names and make it leak oil. Then the money will start rolling in.
That guy must of been so embarrassed, then he had to do the drive away of shame. With some people videoing him as he slinks away.
I love the show but that guy is such an over exaggerates every thing. He is such a police fanboy, Douch is more like it.
But it was a Nippon Airways, Now if they say it was Hooters Airline jet that had a bump landing . Them we can say it was some dame who fucked things up.
MY question, was the pilot Asian?
I think my R32 is better, MK4 to be exact. I am talking about body style. They got the same numbers anyway,
They need to pass a mandatory one year jail sentence for hit in runs. Then after their year in jail is over, they still have to answer the charges for the hit and run. They should get tossed in jail for a year to think about what they have done and then when their year is done they get tried for their crimes. And if…
That was amazing, the way the wheel and rim exploded as it hit the guard rail and just vanished before your eyes.
We all know we should not run from the police or try and run them over. If he would of just dealt with the police instead of running, this would not of happen. Am I rooting for the police, hell no but we all know what alpha bullshit these guys are on. Bottom line don't put yourself in that situation deal with the…
I think for family and friends I would do anything to protect them. For a total stranger depends how the situation plays out. If I would come upon a similar incident and the driver was incapacitated I would help dump a small amount of drugs or paraphernalia. But if the trunk is open and they got a dead hooker and two…
I tried the triggers but shifting was a problem. And the triggers do not feel the same way to me. The way I played it before was gas/brake right analog left/right triggers shift up/down.
Some of my friends don't like Forza it's to realistic for them. They prefer Need For Speed where there is no physics involved. At first I hated Forza. For one simple thing, they left out right analog stick for the gas and brake. I need that for precise gas and brake manipulation. I can't get that with a button. So I…
I always thought of most Asians as real disciplined when it comes to certain thing. But what happens when you guys get behind the wheel. You guys become retarded,