
I just can't understand people, how the hell do you do that to your car. This woman just made me angry for the rest of my day.

Great can't wait for the video of one of theses going through a red light an t-boning a cab.

Sixty grand, what do they add to the mix when they paint these cars Unicorn seamen and Elven blood. It looks cosmetic, twenty grand would be believable but sixty is a bit much for cosmetic work.

I know things are bad with Emperor Bloomberg, I am also born and raised here, no mater what this city is the greatest. Even though we got a schmuck for a mayor. And fuck Giuliani bring back the 80's. Those were great times in this city.

NYC will crush any city you put in front f it. We are the greatest city in the world, in fact every other city should be called a town. Culture sorry to tell you this but living here you get immersed in it (melting pot).. Just out of curiosity what town do you live in. Exactly

That is really going to suck. Where I work, if someones MBP goes bad I can just pull the HDD out and put it into another MBP dose not matter which MBP it will work. I put an MBP Hdd into a MacPro and it worked. In fact you can do that with any Mac. For me that's great because it saves down time for the user. Their


Yes, you and me both. So basically I will be keeping my iphone 4S for as long as I can. Maybe get a back up one once the 5 comes out. The 4S should be a hundred dollars by then. But in he end, it dose not matter anyway when they phase out 3g. Then we would have no choice we would have to get a tiered plan. I never use

I was ribbed for having a tape player in my 04 R32. But people soon realized it is the bet way to play an ipod. One friend had the FM hook up, not that good. I just spent 20 bucks for the tape with cord attached to it and it works great.

I see similar giffs all the time. My question is, are all hot Asian chicks deaf? What's with all that sign language.

I own a early 08 17 MBP spent 2500 on it, going on five years now, I can easily go another three before I invest in another machine. I might get the new one because I need to keep up with current technology. For me if I drop four grand on an MBP I know I will keep it for at least five years before I even consider

They do call them train cars. Just reaching still early but go NYC we are the greatest city ever.

I bet if she was fling on a airplane in turbulent weather and doing lines of coke. she would not spill a drop. Put a steering wheel in her hand....

Woman was probably pissed when she found out the hotdogs were not HALAL or beef. Now she was destined to spend eternity in hell because of her transgression. Someone had to pay for her sentence to hell in the after life. So she issued a futwa on the convenience store. And like a true warrior she carried out her

Why was this the first thing I thought of.

All of them. Sorry but that soft top kills all the lines on the car. And some of the ugliest color combination, beige top yuk They only look good with their tops down (lady's) all the time. Maybe the hard top convertibles look alight. Unless you live in one of those perfect regions with no snow fall they would be

If the court feels like he deserved jail time so be it. I have a friend who moved to Massachusetts a few years ago. Everybody who drives up there drives distracted. Most cars that pass me has a driver holding a phone. They go hand in hand up there. I am defiantly guilty for answering a call from time to time but

Thanks smarty pants, I was just skimming comets being lazy. Credulous put the brakes on everything. Now I had to go to work. I copied,paste and Google that word. So tired but thanks for the new word I learned today. Now I hope I can use it one day.

Well said, I know how it is I have been driving around NYC for twenty years now. It can get pretty crazy. you better be driving defensive all the time. Sometimes when I get to my destination I feel stressed like a motorcycle rider And I drive a manual in this craziness, I never get past third. I have to go on the

Yea, it's growing up in the streets of NYC for the last 40 years. I interact with some nefarious people from time to time, all different races and by far they are the worst when it comes to crime. To much bolstering and back patting, they have to make sure everyone knows how gangster they are.