
there are no ekans or weedles around here... at all. level 14 don’t have one. It’s all drowzees all the time.

Yeah apparently some folks think “being outside late” is less of a right than “pointing a gun in the face of random people because no reason”

Except owning a gun doesn’t make you a police officer, and it should be a crime to point one at anyone unless they are in your own goddamn house. Stay in your house, call the police, and stop acting like being a gun owner makes you law enforcement.

I have 300 steam games I’ve never played. I’ve played darkest dungeon for 65 hours - and I will play it more. It’s great.

Aaaand Jon would have gotten them all killed like he almost did to his men, for being stupid and taking Ramsey’s bait. Sansa did the right thing. She knew Jon wouldn’t listen to her about Ramsey.

No! Five is my favourite. But I also like 2, so I am weird. I wish I could enjoy 3 but I don’t like the DS version, would rather have just had an update of the SNES sprites.

No... go with the PSP version, it’s way better.

LOL FFXI just cut ties with PS2 this year. Have fun waiting for the end of PS3 on XIV.

FFXI, pretty much the whole game can be soloed... you get to summon “trusts” NPCs that can fill different party roles so you can pretty much play how you want, and by yourself. Reddit has a good shell so if you do feel like partying with someone or hearing people chatter it is good to join - get on Asura server,

OK. So FFXI just cut ties with PS2 this spring. Yeah, just a couple months ago.

No. Just no.

As a FFXI player I just can’t fall in love with XIV. I tried. I tried real hard, but they made the classes so BORING and SAMEY. Yes, XI has terrible balance issues, but the jobs feel so different from each other. I just couldn’t love the game after they deleted 90% of the spells from Conjurer’s list and made the whole


If you want to buy a card that’s fine but do consider whether it will actually lead to you having to interact in a way that is more harmful than good for your heath.

yes this.

People say that but they are wrong. I have cut out father and mother, I don’t regret it ever. People who only make you feel worse are not worth having in your life.

take care of yourself. you don’t owe her any suffering

I hate when people post insensitive memes about mothers.


Thanks. Mothers day is awful. My mother testified against me at a sexual assault trial involving her still partner. Buckets of nope. She can have him; I won’t be in her life while she is with my abuser.