
yeah I really shouldn’t buy any more games on steam but I will...

AAA games are mostly garbage these days unless the publisher is nintendo. I’ll wait and buy that stuff for $10 on steam, $80 canuck retail, NO THANKS.

My goals:

exactly. Be honest, have fun but don’t be a lying asshole.

This, thanks. It’s fine to want to have sex with multiple people at once. It’s fine to want the person who you’re having sex with (even if you’re just starting dating) to only have sex with you while you’re in a sexual relationship. Both are OK. Be honest about which one you want and intend to pursue so that people

it’s not “crazy” to expect people to be honest. It’s not about labelling the relationship - it’s about being a decent human. If you’re screwing other people, don’t be a jerk - tell your partners so they can make an informed choice about whether they want to have sex with you. People have the right to choose whether

THIS. Thanks. I really don’t like the “advice” guy’s stance that wanting exclusivity is a “red flag” - no, actually, being monogamous (even when you’re just getting to know each other) is just as okay as being poly. We’re allowed to have preferences without being pathologized.

doesn’t help that the “advice columnist” is suggesting that expecting honesty and exclusivity (unless otherwise negotiated) with a sexual partner is a “red flag”.... oi

Yeah I’d see it more as a red flag that people DON’T TELL you what’s up. Like once we’re having sex I think that the onus is on the person having sex with other people to mention that - not up to their partner to interrogate them to learn what the rules are. If you’re dating multiple people at a time YOU have the

difference between getting a cup of coffee and having sex and then continuing to hang out and have more sex. It’s not unreasonable at all to expect someone to tell you if they are having sex with other people. For safety’s sake alone... for crying out loud.

This. I bought anno 20700, spent an hour fighting with uplay and the next time I tried to open it I had forgotten the password. Just... forget it.

It’s too bad you didn’t get it on the eshop for 3DS

yep me exactly. Not buying ubisoft games because of this.

why not just get the original gameboy version from the eshop? Or did they take it away?

yeah agree this is garbage

LOL we are already paying $80+ for games in Canada. Frankly, I’d rather they just relaxed on the hyper fidelity instead. No reason this had to go photorealistic. I wanted it to look good but not like live action... anyway $80 bucks is a lot of bread... if console games go higher I am just done with consoles entirely,