Since the article didn’t mention it, the whole joke is (likely) a reference to a comment Bezos made to Woot founder Matt Rutledge over breakfast, by way of explaining why he wanted to buy Woot
Since the article didn’t mention it, the whole joke is (likely) a reference to a comment Bezos made to Woot founder Matt Rutledge over breakfast, by way of explaining why he wanted to buy Woot
“Creative Process”
Comment that contradicts author’s post but in a passive-aggressive way to seem edgy, but really I’m just fishing for upvotes and hoping people will respond so I can call them out and spit vitriol at them.
Hi! I’m a gamer with a disability, and I am always extremely grateful when a game has accessibility options (or just a story mode option) that allows me to get past a part of a game I am simply not equipped for.
This dude’s an eye injury away from actually becoming Dr. Evil.
You know for once in these comment sections could we not have some white assholes talking over PoC when it comes to colorism among their community and shouting “Teh Left is Canibalizing Itself!!!!?!!!” when the topic of colorism is even brought up? It’s not a new discussion, it’s just a discussion that’s becoming more…
Yeah but does he use them? I mean, there are hardly any sightings of him on runways.
Jeff Bezos pays zero income tax and gets a $4,000 tax credit for his kids, but poor people in Ohio loose their assistance if their car is too valuable.
This is all on-brand for the Republicans.
Lets say a family has a child in a wheelchair. The community does a fundraiser and gives the family an older mini-van with a wheelchair lift. The old van is now worth $9,000. The state of Ohio will then make that family sell the van?
Thanks Sackler family!
You’d think the guy who wrote “Balls In Your Mouth” would have a more tolerant view of the sexual spectrum, but alas.
When one of my good friends from high school finally came out to us it was an emotional thing for him and us all. After the tears and hugs and such my other friend said bluntly to break the ice “We always sorta kind of suspected but based on your terrible fashion sense we figured you were just really bad with girls”.…
That sucks but I think he needs to write this tweet next
Listen, Bob - if the gay people in your life haven’t stopped you from leaving the house looking like a boxcar hobo who collapsed on a Walgreen’s 4th of July display, then they’re definitely not your friends.
Jesus Christ that's a fucking insane statement
Middle Earth Science? Did you learn how rings are made in a volcano?
No alien invasion, eh?
And let’s not forget that you could also tweak the color settings for the walls/ceiling, and make things even more hallucinatory.
“high-concept, action-packed movie set in Austin, Texas”