
Which is why no one is going to ask your sorry ass permission to do what is right. 

Deep Throat would like a word with you.

There's a reason he's called Big Brother, and he "likes to watch". 

That's a sexcrime! Oh wait, that was 1984. Carry on. 

So everybody will learn the age old lesson that the success they were seeking was really the friends they bilked along the way. 

They're going to make a movie about the game "Uno", so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

What you did there, I see it. 

Mr Hankey? Is that you? 

Oh man was that a great cast, and such a tight script. And too many perfect character interplays & scenes to count:

Lmao. That must’ve been entertaining & disturbing in equal measure.

What a great evil, yet banal, bureaucrat he played in Capricorn One. Such an understated performance.

Me when I read the news.

And in spite of their suspicious sounding titles, too. 😉

But under the new treasury department, the plan to roll out fresh crisp bills with the face of one of the most important figures in American history is once again in motion.

I could almost smell the mustiness oozing out of the pictures. Frankly the place has a whole “country kitchen” feel to it, like one of those historical colonial houses, but in Southwest style. It probably need some serious structural upgrading to stop the sagging & to halt the tendency towards mould; so basically an $8

You're a cynic. And you're absolutely right. 

That there is Pulitzer Prize material, my friend. 

- Damn we can’t call ourselves Clover on this record

Feds: Let’s not plan properly, and thus ensure there are no barriers to people criminally entering the Capitol.

None of which backs up your contention that “People are exaggerating way too much."