Stefan Dumitrache

Like GTAs, for example.

Well, you’re deffinitelly not a nice thing either, so shut your pie hole, tw@!

I challenge that guy to sneak inside Valve HQ.

Is it less random that Diablo II, though?

Me neither.

I haven’t played Diablo 3. Aren’t the maps randomly generated?

That’s what I’m afraid of. Remember Spore?

I really hope it will display as many cosmic objects as possible, from the most average, like stars and planets, to the most exotic, like neutron stars and even magnetars. I remember Spore, which was a delight to play in Space Stage, but it got somewhat boring after a while because it was too much of the same. So

After such a long prelude, dat climax!

Consoles are the money makers, like it or not. It is wise from a business perspective to pay attention to the console ports first. Otherwise I am a PC gamer. The only consoles I ever had are the two Sony portables.

Don’t be bitchin’. I hated it too, butr after I’ve been told that Rocksteady is not a big studio, I got back into my senses and if the game gets fixed I might just buy it to support the studio.

Catwoman, then?

I think there are two. Or is the Pinacle Station packaged with Bring Down the Sky?

Or a GTA.

Open the game. Be stoked. Bury the iPhone in your backyard.

You’re not man enough. Go hide in a dark basement and reconsider your existence and lack of purpose and true meaning.


I was also honestly thinking the same thing too :|

FPS stands for First Person Shooter, which implies that YOU shoot, not the others. I guess the best name to come up with for ME2 would be FPA, which is First Person Action. Sounds a bit too broad, maybe, but I can’t think of something else.

You can simply design the game to make it difficult to parkour while carrying weapons, since it would keep your hands busy. Basically have some parkour elements that require your hands, so you’d have to abandon the gun to advance.