Stefan Dumitrache

Less jobs for wood choppers too.

Maybe it also depends on what the developers want. Rockstar seems to be restrictive with the games made by San Diego.

Will you have to buy the games again, ir you can just install them from X360 media? Because I don’t understand why you would buy ME for a better console when you can just play it on your PC. The only “drawback” would be to play with a keyboard, since ME on PC has no native support for any kind of controller AFAIK.

The DLC made it clear that no clone could equal the real Shepard. Again, Shepard is dead. Get over it.

You people are so fuckin’ dense sometimes! This game is set “far in5to the future”, and I’m sure that far is measured in cosmic time. Shepard is no more.

So it’ll be either the dick or the stick, right?

Unnecessary. Any ending of ME3 justifies ME4 as is. Regardless of which ending you choose, the Cycle is broken, the reapers are either destroyed, controlled or synthesized, everyone survives. And depending on what your choice, you might get a different start or a boost in certain abilities.
My guess is Milky Way gets

Maybe this will “inspire” developers to port (some of) their console exclusives to PC to get some sales out of that piracy. Yes, Rockstar San Diego, I’m (also) thinking of you especially!

Basically a locked-down PC.

Aw, man, I had no idea of a Catalina Island :))

I am serious. Catalina was killed by Claude at the end of GTAIII.

True that. But I’d like a return to England, what with all that subtle british humor.

What keeps you?

What if I buy a game at retail and register it with Steam? That’s how I bought all my games.

I want Michael Madsen to be the voice of a playable character.

Catalina is dead. I suppose The events in V happen after the events in III.

Part of the GTA charm is the social commentary. They would probably find it a bit difficult to make good social commentary for other countries or societies.

You really don’t need to tow those cars to advance the story. Some of the more outlandish missions are the Epsilon missions. They can be boring, but have one hell of a reward in the end, especially if you do them early. Still, they’re not mandatory. Just go and do something else. Play the story.

What about San Andreas? Before 5, that one was the best GTA.

I played Chinatown Wars on a DS emulator and it was ok. These people have no idea how much ingenuity can achieve on a PC. I ended up buying Chinatown Wars for PSP later.