Stefan Dumitrache

Well, someone has to buy them at launch, because someone has to bring out the early bugs and hiccups. And since we're too smart to do that, we might as well allow the plethora of brainless idiots do that. For us. Because the next iterations of each console will be not just better, but cheaper.

the classics would fit just right in, eventually GTA Advance, which didn't made much sales. This would be it's chance at redemption.

Hopefully the golf game is complex enough to be available in multiplayer. imagine tournaments and such... and by complex i mean much more than the golf played by Vic Vance in VCS. Same goes with tennis.

every game they make is their ultimate game.

the bridge above groove street, where tenpenny falls with the firetruck at the end, is made to crush anytime in the game if you hit it just right. basically you can jump off the bridge with a car, like tenpenny did, right in front of the johmson house. same with this wall, if it's scripted to crush like that in a

GTAIV is a good game in itself, it deserves it's praise, but people that have a problem with it most probably compare it with San Andreas, which was far more complex under most aspects: larger and much more diverse world, more side-missions, a bit more on the unrealistic-but-fun side of the gameplay, and so on. If you

If it wasn't for Sony to go in the opposite direction under some important aspects, Microsoft wouldn't have pulled it's plan back. So is not about people speaking out as much as it is about the competition gaining the bigger follow-up.

Dude, the move was just NOT smart. You don't jump from the puddle into the lake. Microsoft is not sinking anyway, it just goes trough some terrible times. Leaving it for Zynga is simply stupid, unless he was rather pushed out by "the powers that be".

Exactly my thought. No wonder XBOne announcement was a screw-up.

why the hell would you view pictures in photoshop? a basic viewer would take less resources.

And the sad part is that people will buy into this thing. It is a software thing, DRM can be reinstated just as easily.

You, sir, have a cookie. And a spare wand.

They said the driving will feel more arcade, think MCLA.

Just like in the real world. You don't really get out of a city to enter another, like from room to room.

Don't be deceived, they DO understand all that. They just don't care, and this is actually worse.

We have all kinds of cookies.

I know, and generally it achieved alot for the time. But the diversity of melee was rather cosmetic than anything else. Different tools had the same damage, so after the initial excitement it didn't made much difference which one you used.

That Library landscape reminds me of some Giger artwork for Dune.

It WILL come to PC, and expect the video editor with it! Plus the future Complete Edition and all that, etc... I'm already excited about DLC, seeing how they did it for GTA4, with full story, new cars, new weapons, new minigames, alot of "new"s, basically complete games, albeit shorter stories.

The "sheer amount" of melee weapons in Vice City (and in all GTA games) is just for cosmetic purposes, since maybe just very few of those differ significantly. A true "sheer amount" is to be found in Manhunt (either of them), and if different styles of killing based on weapon would trespass into GTA, it would be