Stefan Dumitrache

Oh, dat Orange Box <3

There's a significant difference between developing an open world game and developing a (probably) linear shooter. I never played CoD or Bf, but I assume they are linear, even if the maps are detailed and larger than a corridor. So yeah, you'd rather say about these shooters that they are copy/pasted from one year to


17% is enough to be huge in the eyes of the publishers, i didn't thought of a majority when i said that. also, is true that i didn't cited some sources, it was just guesswork. and again, i said "whatever games", which would include those facebook-like, which many of them have violent/mature themes too.

The industry doesn't need that. This whole PEGI shit is just so they can hide behind something in case of trouble, but they know that for whatever games, underage players are a HUGE part of the market. It is somewhat similar with the porn sites: "If you're under 18, click HERE to be taken to Wikipedia". Suuuuureeee....

Wait, it doesn't say if the victim died or not, hopefully not!!!

One of the things I like about open platforms is that they don't bundle EVERYTHING POSSIBLE from the get-go. That's what 3rd-party developers are for, to do the things they want by themselves. That's why the platforms are open. Expect such interfaces to appear in all designs possible, from original to copies of your

i thought we only go as far as ten thousand years, then back to 2525. wtf, jesus?!

I have both VCS and LCS for PSP. The PS2 versions have some exclusive stuff, like some missions. I guess you can easily find some info on that on Wikipedia, or dedicated fan sites.

That mission is more than anyone can bear, but you will persevere!

The gameplay is still there, and the city, even if partly different (1984 vs 1986), is just as vibrant. The story is the one that seems to suffer, though, but this is rather a matter of taste. In my view, it was more of a circus compared with the feel of the original. If you can get past the fact that the main

Meh, Spore was fun on it's own. Darkspore = fail. Now SimCity?

Diablo 2!

for some reason this movie made me remember Ichi the Killer.


they last a year, not a decade or more.

they last a year, not a decade or more.

they last a year, not a decade or more.

they last a year, not a decade or more.

they last a year, not a decade or more.