Stefan Dumitrache

dan houser said in an interview that this is a game where you get he chance to play both the hero and the antagonist. so this leads to (each) one of them having to kill the other two in the end, and the player would probably choose the surviving character. it already appears that the slightly balded guy might have

you know you will play it :)

Also they don't have Siri to announce the song title. What a letdown from $ony...

i can asure you he would happily pay the shipping if you pay him your last cent for this collection.

see it this way: make a blog on which you tell the internet how you gonna cut off your penis unless you get, say, $6000. controversial, isn't it? i bet most trolls on the internet will be eager to see you slice it off, but there still gonna be enough idiots that'll grant you with some $60.000.

so, the way i see it, the dlc brings a little less contrasting colors when compared with the original. now i MUST play the game to experience that :D

should he behave like a professional commenter? is there such thing as a "professional commenter"? just askin' :P

wow, look, where's iphone 2 :| ?

i really wonder if in romania the big shops that sell games are sell-outs to EA. i mean is quite difficult to find a rockstar pc title at launch, i still have yet to see mp3. instead, the shelves are full of EA titles. i've seen HUNDREDS, really, hundreds of copies of a 3xNFS bundle. nobody buys them, and yet there

i'm sure is gonna be someone from china, or india :D

as he said, openes. can you expand on your gaming experience with MODs? i'm sure there are some console titles that would support some mods, but how many? on pc, most of the times this is not even a question, MODs are the way to go after completing an original game.

you really consider an apple laptop for gaming?

totally :)

well, it was probably the best siri could do as, you know, job's secretary :)

fuck touch, i want a new, bigger (as in storage space) classic!!! here's hoping if they ever get back to the classic, they won't opt for less storage with an ssd.

enough people liked the transformer concept, this will have a market too. the advantage is you don't have to hide the keyboard to use it as a tablet, and with it permanently on the device is still wearable thin. plus, is an i7 tablet. the only reason of concern here has to do with battery time.

i think it is easier on the go to just close the lid instead of rotate then close. as for protecting the screen, how many tablet users are concerned with that? the glass became resistant enough to be safe next to what you might carry in a backpack. and if you want the removable screen, there's the transformer, also

since i had an ipod classic i never stopped using itunes for listening to longer sessions of music (for checking a song or two i use media player).

yeah, so old it should *cough* die already.

how do you do that?!