"Also, it's fun to outsmart criminals who think they're clever."
"Also, it's fun to outsmart criminals who think they're clever."
to ea, the 2010 version is sequel enough, no matter if the players agree or not. anyway, what was i saying? mcla or nothing :P
there was a great need for speed game in the recent past, abbreviated MCLA and made by R*.
hot pursuit 2010? don't you remember it? that was the sequel you talk about.
i thought the experience bar was the video progression bar :))
given the price, isn't it a bit overrated, compared with the cvdk?
i don't think any game that was good in it's time gets old. if you get in the story and understand the game's mechanics and gameplay, your mind simply adapts. you'll just have to understand that the graphics are old, but diablo is about the gameplay, not graphics. just go play them.
If you think about this, you can't really pu a blame on someone. It's Diablo, what else would you expect except being cheated? You sold your sould and payd for it, now shut up ant take it as it is ;)
Nowadays Blizz goes under the name of Runic, and the truth is Diablo 3 is still under development, getting it's final polish, but it will be called Torchlight 2. What you experienced these two nights was not Blizzard/Diablo 3, but some impostors that somehow managed to make a shitload of money with a cheap trick.
they don't hate gamers. they can't hate something that you don't care about. it is rather they love money, they do care about those ;)
another zombie game. i'm tired of this theme, can we move on, please? looks more like brainwashing for future generations. the real zombies, maybe.
well, it depends on what you use to move around: the right analog stick or the dpad. i guess most modern games are made with player movement set on the analog stick, which on xbox360 controller is situated "in-line" with the ABXY buttons used for most actions, so here's where simetry comes into play. i use both types…
let diablo be your first diablo. then let diablo 2 be your second diablo. then let diablo 3 be you last diablo.
i guess is simple to end the debate, especially when the sold copy is only virtual, not on-disc. you buy a copy/pasted software with non-copy/pasted money. now this really makes you wonder who's actually the theaf.
what fuckin' hope for what fuckin' world? it ain't like they fed some starving children in the streets when they didn't had to. is just a fuckin' game.
boxed game doesn't guarantee lack of gfwl, which is rather sad, but apparently they dusted it for la noire (it doesn't get labeled with gfwl on the box cover), so we have hopes for mp3, too. i have no problem with steam, though, steam is fine with me.
actually i thought it was freddy krueger from elm street :/
this is one thing rockstar does best: release all content in a single package after a while. as opposed, see mass effect: all dlcs for ME2 are scattered around. if tomorrow i see a "complete edition" of it or something, i buy it, but bioware has to be dickheads!