get this, and play it to death untill torchlight 2 comes out, then get that ;)
get this, and play it to death untill torchlight 2 comes out, then get that ;)
just recently rockstar released a port of the first max payne for android devices. offcourse it is better to play it on pc, but if you get to a dead end (hardly believable) just buy it for android.
Truth right there!
you don't use screws on this one, it uses magnets to attach parts.
EA just tries to wash the poo off it's face after all the recent scandals. so they pretend to be communicating with the gamers, and so on, and now this trick. don't get me wrong, i have njothing against the person, but the subtle way EA uses the situation is makes me puke.
Newsflash: there will be a new Need for Speed in the next fall, too! Bet you didn't see this one comming...
i think that's a question to ask EA. notch at least seems set to create games that reward intelligent people. given it's versatility, minecraft might actually be the greatest game ever made.
why is sharing so highly regarded in sweden? it seems like software heaven there, what's the political class view on this "issue"?
Where's Brain when you need him?!
no, just hang!
definitelly a big cash-cow! so i'm all for killing CoD!
+1 internets, sir, congrats!
or untill steam is fully functional on linux. as far as i remember, they holded hl2 back untill steam was ready to launch, so it can take momentum from the game.
seriously, it is about understanding how the story and the gameplay intertwine.
there's no better critic than an unexposed mind, if she loved it, you're awesome!
why not just print an image from over the interwebz :/ ?
Call of Diablo: Lord of Duty!
gta4 wasn't bad, it just that it had a tad higher system requirements on pc (i don't know about glitches/framerate on consoles). i don't even want to think about the amount of polygons calculated in that game, plus the dynamic elements, etc, and many people played it on old pc's, then they complained on forums about…
what makes you think they were geotagged? i doubt they were that stupid.