Stefan Dumitrache

obviously who wrote this article didn't do some research first. some of those cameras look good, even for today's standards. that sony f505 was a beast back then, and the handling was great.

don't expect a big-bang of linux gaming with the release of steam and valve games on it, however with more users hopefully migrating to linux for gaming, devs will probably have to comply with certain packaging ways that steam can use correctly on all three pc platforms: mac, windows and linux. however, for a start

this is not about L4D2, but about future games. obviously the biggest market for valve is pc releated, and with mac being so caged and windows going in a direction that newel doesn't trust, they just ready themselves to land on linux, too.

By "world economy" you mean "USA economy", right?

probably never gonna happen this way if the difference would be made via software.

it sure takes an abstinent one.

omg, you have 6 eyes!!!

is THAT bad, and THEN some! i could bet that close to the release of GTA5 they'll try to pull some tricky trick to snatch Rockstar from Take2, like they tried before IV went on sale. here's hoping Rockstar stays firm on their feet and know their game!

"You know what else is bad for business?! A BROKEN NECK!!!"