I must regrettably agree. As much as folks here love to hate the Prius, it is — putting flame suit on — an absolutely excellent automobile for its purpose and for its target market.
I must regrettably agree. As much as folks here love to hate the Prius, it is — putting flame suit on — an absolutely excellent automobile for its purpose and for its target market.
Salvage title from an auction with 200,000 miles on it. They do this shit with S classes too. Ballin on a budget yo.
I agree, but it’s just odd how the seat sits out there kind of floating.
I’ve been a smart owner for a decade (had a first-gen turbodiesel and now a second-gen Electric Drive) and I agree with you on this point.
I think that’s unfair on the Renault Twingo. The Smart is stubby and ugly while the Renault manages to be quite handsome for it’s size. And less tall.
I know a guy who has one of these, and I was complaining the name was pretentious as hell. He explained SMART CAR stood for Swatch (yes, the watch company from the 1990’s) Mercedes ART CAR. I had to explain to him that wasn’t helping his case.
From time to time I hear from someone who is so fed up with their car they’ve decided to stop making payments and…
An “infotainment” system that actually doesn’t create a horrible distraction for the driver. Maybe something paired up with a heads up display, with some very basic controls that can be operated without taking your eyes off the road. And keep it focused on car-related things only... there is no reason why we need an…
I’ve always viewed that a well placed shot from an Anti-Material Rifle from Fallout: New Vegas tends to be incredibly effective against the average Deathclaw.
Or too lazy to lift your hand all the way up to that button that’s soooo far away.
I loved that weapon. I remember owning my cousins back then and having them flip out when they heard that disk start drilling into their heads. I can remember that sound still clear as day.